

Coming Back

I don't know where to start.

I mean that quite literally.

I think I have 10 drafts from the last several months that all start out so horribly that I can't manage to finish any of them.

And yet I miss blogging so very much and want to get back to it here as well as on my new education site (which is not even close to finished but will eventually be parked at that I've just decided to write the worst blog ever written and post it anyway.

Hot Guy went into the hospital with super high blood pressure a bit after my last post. Now, he's had high blood pressure and diabetes for a while - but he's also had trouble sticking to his meds. So the trip to the hospital was supposed to be a med tune up, not some horrible disaster.

And yet, while he was there they discovered that his kidneys had basically stopped working. And on Halloween we learned that they're not going to get better. So he's going to go on dialysis and the transplant list.

And I cannot begin to describe how much it sucks.

Really, I can't.

Yet I've lost two high school classmates to cancer this year. And their families would much rather be dealing with dialysis than death, I'm sure.

Perspective is fucking everything.

So while my anxiety goes off the charts, my professional endeavors flail and my ulcerative colitis tortures me, as my kids grow ever more independent (which is great, but sometimes I really miss them) and as Trump attempts to decimate America. . . I'm trying to look for the good. For the things I like.

And so I think I'm back to blogging.


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