
Dear Friend Who Loves Guns

I actually started writing this before the Parkland shooting. Those kids are some of the most inspirational kids I've ever seen. If you'd like to follow what they're doing, check out their Facebook page

Dear Ammosexual friend,

Sometimes people die in car crashes, even when they're wearing their seatbelts. Does that mean we should all stop wearing seatbelts?

The Founding Fathers only let white men vote. Does that mean it should stay that way?

If you answered no to either of these questions, you might be ready to talk about gun reform.

If you answered yes to either of these questions, you're too stupid to be on the internet. Get some help.

I don't want to ban all guns.

But if restricting the kind of guns you can access, or who can buy guns legally,  or saves even one life?

I'm all the fuck for it. And so are plenty of responsible gun owners.

But you're not a responsible gun owner, you're an ammosexual.

My favorite argument of yours is the one where you claim only criminals will have guns if we make it harder to access them legally. First of all, I'm pretty sure you become a fucking criminal when you start mass shooting people, right? So what we have is people buying them legally so that they can become criminals.

How many drug dealers have shot up schools or movie theaters or concerts or whatnot? How many burglars? How many car jackers?

The only crime that is an actual predictor of mass shooting likelihood is domestic violence. How about we stop anyone who has committed partner violence from buying guns?

I mean, making something more difficult to obtain or to do legally is what we do after every other kind of crime - The Oklahoma City bombing restricted fertilizer sales, thousands of precautions were put into place after 9/11, child-proof caps are on medicines, etc. Sudafed is behind the counter at the pharmacy because of meth. Do you support all of those initiatives, gun obsessive?

Then why don't you support waiting periods, background checks and education before gun ownership?

Making gun access more difficult is not going to stop every crazy, but imagine if we'd stopped Adam Lanza or Nikolas Cruz.

There could be other things, ammosexual friend, that would stop more shooters. We don't know, because the CDC isn't allowed to research gun violence like it is able to research other public health crises.

Imagine if the automobile lobby had prevented research on reducing car crash fatalities. That's why your car has air bags and your young children must be in car seats. Ever been in an accident with your kids in the car? Try to imagine what would have happened if they hadn't been strapped into their safety seats. Ever had an air bag deploy? Picture what would have happened if it didn't, or your seat belt didn't work.

You and the NRA are preventing the invention of the seat belt and the air bag for guns. You are letting children die needlessly because you're afraid of what the research will find.

I think you're afraid a lot, ammosexual friend. And that makes me sad. You're so sure that reforms will mean that you'll lose your guns. Is it because you obtained them illegally? Is it because you know you wouldn't currently pass a background check? Is it because it's the only argument you can make? Is it because you think an arsenal of military grade weapons will stop your nightmares?

Let me stop you right there, gun friend. While mental illness is absolutely a factor in these tragedies, let's be accurate. Other countries have mentally ill people too. Of course, those countries have comprehensive healthcare for all so that no one falls through the cracks, would you like that here? No? Then your "mental health issue" argument won't work.

You love to talk about the perfection of the second amendment and how it cannot be altered. Yet the many amendments that discuss how states can't impede voting rights don't concern you at all as you demand more and more forms of id at the voting booth while also demanding more and more citizens lose their rights to vote. And you gleefully ignore the first amendment when demanding that only Christians should vote, or serve in government, or immigrate, or have a voice in educational decisions.

In other words, ammosexuals, you don't love the Constitution, you love guns.

You love guns more than you love the Constitution. You love guns more than you love your kids.