

Friday I'm in Love: Tara and Johnny Rule

I confess that I was never a huge Tara Lipinski fan when she was skating. She was so new when she won gold in Nagano and I was very loyal to Michelle Kwan. And then she quit competing and I sort of forgot about her.

I liked Johnny more than Tara when he was skating, but I wasn't a huge fan.

When they first started commentating in Sochi, I realized why I hadn't been really into them as skaters.

Tara and Johnny were born to commentate, not skate.

I know that's a terrible thing to say about an Olympic gold medalist and a national champion, but it's the fucking truth. 

I would like them to commentate on every sport, even though I'm fully aware that part of what makes them great as skating commentators is that they know EXACTLY what they are talking about and they are not afraid to be honest.

Still, most sports aren't quite as technically complicated as figure skating. I think they'd figure them out. Plus, they'd still have their wit, honesty and friendship.

The more I think about it, I think NBC should give them their own show. Let them commentate on everything.

I mean, if that unhinged idiot Sean Hannity can have a show, why not Tara and Johnny? 
They're more humorous, stylish and well-informed. 

And they could throw in a hell of a lip sync battle every now and then.

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