

Friday I'm in Love: Lin-Manuel Miranda

In a world where it's easy to find so much news and information of the heartbreaking variety, knowing that Lin-Manuel Miranda is out there makes me feel better.

If you don't follow him on Twitter, you should.

His inspirational twitter feed and his charity work (especially for Hurricane Maria victims) is Friday post-worthy, of course.

But he's also got this day job as a composer/lyricist/actor, perhaps you've heard?

Hamilton was Lin-Manuel Miranda's SECOND Broadway show. How flipping awesome. I mean, his first wasn't exactly a flop. . .

Now, I'll grant that the first two shows Sondheim worked on that made it to Broadway were impressive - West Side Story and Gypsy - but he only did the lyrics.

Not that I'm ranking musical theater composers or anything, but if I was. . .

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