

The Log Flume. And A Question.

So I know I was all like, "No schedule! I don't even know if I'm really back to blogging or what! I'm just here for the snacks!"


I'm rather enjoying it again.

For a while there, when my kids were old enough to tell their own stories but still required so much daily care, it was really hard to navigate blogging respectfully. Now they are 13, almost 12 and 9. Not only can they tell their own stories, they can write them, turn them into memes and post them on Instagram.

OK, the 9 year old isn't on Instagram. But still. 

Parenting, in some ways, is so much harder at this stage. The problems are so much bigger and I've gotten so much more involved in their schools. Plus, you know, puberty.

Parenting young children always felt like a roller coaster - intense, volatile and quick. I felt like I had no time or energy to appreciate the view at the top.  Parenting older children (so far) is more like the riding the flume ride over and over - there are periods of speed and terror, but there are also times to just stand around and admire the view.

And that stand around time makes me feel like I can blog without telling their stories.

Also, I still don't get out much and apparently I have a lot to say.

So I'm pretty sure I'm back to blogging. I've brought back at least one weekly series (Friday I'm in Love, so that I remember to mention things I actually like) so far. I like the weekly series idea - it helps me focus. I've got another series idea starting tomorrow as well.

 I'm even considering a third weekend one, where I just list all the coolest stuff I've read in the last week. Between my dad's retirement hobby of emailing articles he thinks I'll find interesting (thanks, Dad!), the reporters I follow on Twitter and Dave Pell's newsletter  of news and awesomeness, I read A LOT.

Anyway, what do you think of a round up series? Oh wait, I think I'm supposed to call it curated content now. Do you want me to curate some content for you every weekend?

Or should I just keep sharing the good stuff I read on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest?

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