

#Shithole Country

There are now almost as many articles describing Trump's racism as there are about why Trump voters still support Trump. And there are still swaths of people - including Bernie Sanders - who will tell you that Trump and his supporters are not racists.

Those swaths of people are lying. Perhaps even to themselves.

Those swaths of people really enjoy quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as they swear Trump is not racist because he hired Omarosa and Ben Carson. They will even cite Trump recognizing today as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to point out how he's not racist.

Fun fact: If you judge a person by the land of their birth, or assume the content of their character because of  where they were born or what religion they practice? You're just as racist as if you judged them by their skin color.

And if you fucking announce that you want immigrants from Norway instead of El Salvador? You're racist.

And not in that funny way from Avenue Q, either.

If you spend a lot of time on Breitbart (which is doubtful if you are reading this blog) or watching certain Fox News shows, your definition of racist is probably very different than mine. Breitbart, after all, has a tag called, "black crime" to rile up their readers - who claim the tag is "not racist".

Trump, alleged leader of the free world, does spend time on Breitbart and Fox News. He's also 71 and the son of a man arrested at a Klan rally. He doesn't read. He's never served in the military, studied abroad, interned, worked for minimum wage, moved to a new city or done anything to expand his cultural knowledge. Of course he's racist.

I used to think he was racist in a way that I call "privileged racist". You know, the kind that doesn't see skin color - or acknowledge that people of color have challenging experiences solely because of their skin color that white people can't imagine. But now I suspect Trump's racism is deeper and more global.

The Daily Stormer, Nazi wannabe paper of record, was right about something back in 2016: Trump is their candidate.

At this point, I'm more comfortable with the Nazi wannabe who openly says he loves Trump because of his racism than all of the people who tell me Trump isn't racist. Those who don't or can't see Trump's racism never share this King quote with me, but I think it's more appropriate:

Of course, as Trump runs around calling other countries shitholes (Trump fans should read that "as Trump runs around talking tough") and insulting our friends, I'm finding it harder and harder to view the silent people as good. 

Fox host Jesse Watters says this is how the forgotten people talk at the bar. I know Fox thinks "forgotten people" is code for the white working class. . . but it's really code for racists of all economic levels. In fact, I've heard talk like this from way more white middle and upper class people than I've ever heard from working class people. Exhibit A, Fox talking blonde Tomi Lahren, who make more money than most of us do.

If they aren’t shithole countries, why don’t their citizens stay there? Let’s be honest. Call it like it is.

I guess Tomi (and Trump) don't realize that people immigrate FROM the US as well - does that make us a shithole?

But Tomi, just like The Daily Stormer, is also right about one thing: Call it like it is.

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