

Happy 10th Birthday, Ironflower!

growing up

Dear Ironflower,

Today you are 10 years old. Double digits, as you keep reminding me. I started blogging before you turned 3. I had to read the letters about you turning 4, 5, 6, 7,  8, and 9 to remind myself that it's not exactly shocking that you've been around for a decade.

You still love reading and animals and imaginative play. Even if that play now means making movies starring your American Girl Dolls. Your favorite color is now teal and you positively shun all things pink. Your birthday party "theme" was teal and zebra. You love Taylor Swift and Katy Perry, but you still don't like Justin Bieber or One Direction (thank goodness). The first song you bought for your iPhone was Bang, Bang, so you've definitely become a pop fan.

You have gone from grudgingly taking ballet to improve your overall dance skills to loving ballet so much that you're taking an extra hour of it every week. In addition to the many other hours you take dance and rehearse. In the last year you have gone from "I'll see what this company thing is like" to "I love competitions." You've worked so hard and it really shows, both in your skills and in your self-confidence. I love watching you on stage.

I also loved watching you on the soccer field. Even though you would describe yourself as "not the best player", and you've never wanted to do an extra soccer class or practice, you went out there every week and tried your best and cheered for your teammates.

This year you've started learning clarinet, as well as dancing and excelling in school and becoming really good at HALO and Minecraft. I am amazed at how you manage to keep up with everything as well as be such a good friend, loving sister and my favorite person with whom to watch Project Runway.

I feel so lucky and proud to be your mom,

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