

10 Safety Rules For Everyone

The inspiration the entire basis for this post comes from a great infographic on But while I loved the sentiment and advice, I knew my kids would be distracted by the graphics and the wordiness. So I figured I'd simplify both and share, in case your kids are anything like mine. 
purple back graphic

1. I am in charge of my body. 

2. I always check with someone before I go places, change my plans, or take something, even from people I know. 

3. I know my name, address, telephone number and parents' cell phone numbers. 

4. Safe adults don't ask kids for help. 

5. I do not have to be polite if someone makes me feel scared or uncomfortable. 

6. Everyone's bathing suit areas are private. No games involving them are appropriate for kids.

7. If I get lost in a public place, I should freeze in place and call for help or ask a mom with kids for help. 

8. I do not go anywhere or take anything from people I don't know no matter what they say. 

9. I always listen to my inner voice, especially if that voice is worried. 

10. I don't keep secrets from my parents no matter what other people tell me. 

Okay, so not every rule is applicable to everyone. Presumably adults have memorized their personal information many times over. And adults should probably keep a few secrets from their parents. But we'd all be a lot better off if we listened to our inner voices and remembered that we, not society and certainly not somebody we're dating, are in charge of our own bodies. Right? 

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