

Happy 6th Birthday, Hugmonkey!

Dear Hugmonkey,

     I am having a hard time realizing that my baby is a six year old kindergartner. As much as I enjoy watching you learn to read and add and use sarcasm, it's difficult to accept that you won't want to sit on my lap for too much longer.

You are starting to read independently and it's such a joy to watch. Your favorite right now is to read the "Fly Guy" books by Tedd Arnold. You've gone from tentatively playing Mario Kart on the Wii to setting up the Xbox so that you can play Minecraft on it. You definitely love your screen time. Even when you play outside with your friends, half of the time you guys are acting out video games.

You are such a social butterfly. You have already made so many new friends in kindergarten without forgetting about all of your preschool friends. You love to play with everybody. It's so fun to hear your detailed descriptions of your days at school; most stories feature the kids you played with or read with or interacted with in some way.

You started karate this year and I am amazed at your ability to concentrate and focus during class. Social as you are, you've done a great job paying attention in karate and during your soccer games. You love to help in the kitchen; you make preparing breakfast for everyone so much easier every day. You've also developed a strong interest in drawing; suddenly you are making all these detailed pictures.

You still tell your stories, but now you act them out with figures and/or cars and/or trucks. You love nothing more than to play pretend games with your brother and sister; you really bask in their attention. You make me smile every day.

                                                                                                 I am so lucky to be your mom,

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