

The Top Nine Reasons I Haven't Been Blogging Lately

Oh hey. How are you? It's been ages  - have you lost weight? You look terrific. I love what you've done with your hair. How are the kids? Can you believe how big they're getting? 

This is the conversation I'd be having with you if I hadn't seen you for a couple months in real life. Since I'm pretty sure there's only about 12 of you still reading, I could conceivably have this conversation with each of you. If I Facetimed you, as I don't think you all live in my town.

Not that I'm asking for your phone number.

I have a hard time on the phone with people I adore, so much as I appreciate your continued reading, I really do not want to call you.

But it feels weird just jumping back into the blog I've been ignoring for months without some kind of transition. When I see people I haven't seen in a while, I don't just jump in with a story about my life or a demand for money for whatever school fundraiser I'm supposed to be helping with. Well, maybe I do. . . but I know that I shouldn't.

This is the real reason that bloggers back from hiatus or break or breakdown write posts explaining their absences. I think. It's not that I want to write you a list of reasons (excuses) that I haven't been blogging, it's that I don't know how to transition back into blogging without writing you a list of excuses. So here goes. . . .

1. It was summer and my kids were home a lot.
2. I was trying to find a job that would be more lucrative than writing/blogging but still give me lots of flexibility to be around for my kids.
3. I've been blogging consistently since 2007 and I was burnt out.
4. I had my first mammogram and they found something. So then I had another mammogram and an ultrasound which show that it's PROBABLY benign, but I have to get checked again in 6 months.
5. I also had an abnormal pap smear that resulted in cryotherapy (which I don't recommend, btw), but now everything is fine.
6. I don't know what direction to take the blog. Back when I started blogging, blogs didn't have to have directions.
7. Probably not unrelated to the all the aforementioned: my ulcerative colitis flared for a while.
8. It is fall and soccer season has started, along with all the volunteering and the meetings.
9. Are you still reading this list? You're amazing. Or a stalker. Maybe both?

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