

Fun With Creative Galaxy!

When I first saw that Amazon Prime Instant Video  had a kids' show called Creative Galaxy, I wasn't sure if I was the right person to review it. Hugmonkey, though he is only 5, tends to watch more "big kids" shows. Mostly because he wants to keep up with his siblings, not because he is especially interested in big kids' shows. He was reluctant to watch Creative Galaxy at first, assuming it was for "little kids" since we were watching while his older siblings were at school.

watching laptop
He started out like this. 

It took all of five minutes for him to be like this. 

What's more, I did not wish for earplugs once. Normally, there's at least one voice on every kids' show that grates on my last nerve. Honestly, that gives Creative Galaxy a lot of points in my book. But even better is the show's focus on creativity, problem solving and the arts.  Animated buddies Arty and Epiphany travel the galaxy solving problems with art. It's a fantastic premise and I only wish they'd started the show when my other two were smaller. 

After the first episode we watched, Hugmonkey wanted to do a craft together. It might have been the live action piece at the end that inspired him. In addition to the cute story about helping Arty's mom with goody bags for his birthday party, there were step by step instructions from real kids about how to do the art project. Hugmonkey, of course, had his own ideas. We were to make people out of paper, he decided. 

He was very serious about his craft idea. 

He was so serious that he made me follow his directions too. 

But his turned out the best. 

Hugmonkey has since mentioned that he would like to do some of the cool crafts mentioned on the show, but only if we do them "his way". He's definitely got the clear vision of an artist, that's for sure. We've since watched a few more episodes and I've become even more impressed with Creative Galaxy. I think if you've got a kiddo 6 or younger you should definitely let him/her watch this show. And older kids will definitely be interested in most of the crafts. 

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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