



I was going to explain how I got way behind with my blogging due to end of the school year stuff going on constantly.

And then I was going to explain how I got way behind with my blogging because the local pool opened and my children are part fish.

I was also going to mention my anxiety about Ironflower finishing primary school (our town has one preschool - third school and one fourth-eighth school) and Hugmonkey finishing preschool and be all, "OMG, I'm freaking out because my babies are growing up SO FAST".

But to be honest, I think I just needed a break.

A more responsible blogger probably would have waited until now to take her break, seeing as we're about to go away for a family reunion and a trip to a national dance competition (Note to potential burglars: a violent felon is housesitting for us, so please don't try to steal our one flat screen TV). But as any of my elementary school teachers would be happy to tell you (if they were still alive, I mean), I'm not especially responsible.

So I took my break and I'm not entirely sure that it's over.

Yeah, technically I'm blogging now and thus one could say that my break is over.

But since I'm not planning on restarting my typical blogging schedule and all the stuff that goes with it quite yet, as far as I'm concerned I'm still on break.

The lack of pinnable picture (or, you know, coherent thought) in this post should make that clear.

Continued approximately two weeks later: 

Our vacation was lovely. I should tell you about it.

But not today.

Today I'm still thinking about how this blog may change and how it may stay the same. Today I'm still trying to get my house in order. Today I'm still battling the massive fatigue that has started to encroach on my life in the last two months. Today I'm getting blood work, which will hopefully show that my (and my doctor's) suspicion of hypothyroidism is correct and can be easily fixed by medication. Today I'm just saying that I'm still around.

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