
Ten Reasons You Should Be Watching Game of Thrones

As a kid, I was far more into my Trixie Belden mysteries than any fantasy fiction I read; I couldn't even get into A Wrinkle in Time. I resisted reading Harry Potter for years, though when I finally broke down I completely fell in love with them. So when my cousin recommended the  Song of Ice and Fire series I was more open to the idea of fantasy than I had ever been, but I wasn't especially enthusiastic.


Before I had even finished reading Game of Thrones, I was hunting down A Clash of Kings. I thought the wait for A Dance with Dragons would kill me and it was only a few months. I'd be going crazy right now if it wasn't for the TV show. Which is so much closer to the plot and spirit of the books than True Blood or Bones. I highly recommend the books, but if they seem too daunting:

1. You're sick of people telling you that you should be watching Game of Thrones.

2. You can't wait for the next season of The Walking Dead.

3. You miss The Sopranos, even though you felt like Tony was too much of a good guy.

4. You like hot men.

5. You like hot women.

6. You like hot dragons.

7. You like female characters that are actually characters and not props for the male characters.

8. You wish TV shows were more like epic movies.

9. You know it's wrong to be prejudiced against the fantasy genre.

10. Tyrion Lannister is one of the most interesting characters ever written and Peter Dinklage plays the hell out of him.

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