

It's Finally Summer! Sort of.

Summer has always been my favorite season. I like flip flops. I like the beach. I'd much rather be hot than cold. Every year I look forward to putting my clogs away and celebrating summer. We had 3 days of it and now the weather is cool again. Intellectually I know that summer weather will come back, but emotionally I fear that our harsh winters are going to get longer and longer. So I'm focusing on our 3 days of summer, which I enjoyed thoroughly. 

This is our local lake. Which is really a man-made pond. But it's still pretty, like a Kardashian. 

The lifeguard said the water was 60 degrees on Sunday. I made it up to my ankles. 

This was part of our town's Memorial Day parade. The boys walked with their spring sports teams, but I didn't get a decent picture. I need remedial photography lessons. Ironflower doesn't walk because many of her friends do and they all throw her candy. We got two paper sacks full - it's like Halloween in May. 

This year after the parade and the festivities at the local firehouse we got to go to the pool at my parents' townhouse complex. It was heated and Lovebug didn't get out of it for 2 hours. 

One of my favorite things that our school does is the art show. Usually it is beastly hot at the art show, but you'll notice that Hugmonkey is sporting a fleece here. Summer appears to be over already. 


The art teacher at the kids' school is amazing. This year Hugmonkey made a basket (last year a bowl) and the older kids made animals. 

Lovebug and his snake. 

Ironflower and her dog mask. 

All the hallways are filled with the kids' artwork as well and the third graders have a video art installation in the gym. It's the event that kicks off all the end of year excitement. It's supposed to be warm, dammit. 

What are your favorite end of school year and/or summer events? 

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