

Bite-Sized Nature

One of my happy places is the James A. McFaul Environmental Center in a neighboring town. I've shared pictures of it before, too. But I don't care, because this winter was long and terrible and I wasn't able to go to my happy place for months on end. So you're getting more pictures, because we (finally!) got to go there for a nice family hike last week.

Family activities in Bergen County

This is on the observation deck, which gives a beautiful view of the pond. 

New Jersey sites
Usually the peacocks and peahens roam around freely, but this time they were locked up in here. And from the sounds they were making, I don't think they were happy about it. 

family hiking
These little bridges are my favorite. 

New Jersey pond
One of the trees on the far side had a nest of owlets. When we walked over there, a bunch of people were watching them through telescopes. They let us have a turn looking; it was so cool. 

James A. McFaul Environmental Center
Of course there was geocaching. We're still struggling with one that's supposed to be in this area. 

I think what I love about the environmental center is that it's so accessible. There's even a boardwalk with ramps so that people in wheelchairs can explore a bit. And it's like 10 minutes from my house. And you don't have to worry about packing a ton of water or going to the bathroom in the woods because you're never more than 15 minutes walk from the main building. I like nature - I just don't want to be overwhelmed by nature. 

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