

What's the Worst That Could Happen?

I have this idea. Well, I actually have lots of ideas going on at any given time. It's just that I don't have the ability to realize them most of them, not having the engineering skills to develop a cleaning robot smarter than a Roomba nor the extra millions to create my ideal school.


This other idea.

I have the basic skills to make it happen. It doesn't require engineering skills or money. It's not some revolutionary thing like Pinterest. (Have I mentioned lately how much I love Pinterest? You should follow me on there.) I think I would enjoy it. I think I would be good at it.

If it wasn't for the voices in my head saying things like, "You're not going to be able to pull this off. Why would anyone listen to you? No one will take you seriously," I would be working on my idea right now.

Everyone always tells you to listen to your gut when making big decisions. Usually I am one of those people. My life has always gone better when I've listened to my gut and I've always regretted it when I haven't. Yet this time my gut seems to have gone on vacation.

I hope it's on the beach in Hawaii sipping a Mai Tai. One of us should be.

In the absence of my gut, though, the doubting voices in my head seem awfully loud. But then I think, "What's the worst that could happen?" I mean, it's not like my idea is to become an amateur brain surgeon.

Or even a professional brain surgeon.

It's not life and death. If it doesn't work, then I will have just wasted some time. And considering I spent a semester of college curled up in bed watching St. Elsewhere reruns, I know I can survive time wasting.

I'm sorry to be so cryptic, but my idea isn't fully formed yet. It does have to do with blogging, though.

Should I go for it?


  1. You have the skills and obviously the time. I think you should go for it. You never know if it will be successful or a bust if you don't at least try.

  2. Absolutely!! Go for it. Look at it this way...if you try and it doesn't work then you've only lost some time. But if you don't try then you will always kick yourself. But then there's that other might actually work and you'll be REALLY happy that you tried.

  3. YES!! You should always go for it!! Some of the greatest things have come from someone who had and idea and made it happen- even when they weren't sure it would work. My MIL always says to me "What would you do if you knew you wouldn't fail"? It opens up my mind to some amazing (crazy) possibilities (which could be dangerous). SO - YES!! Go for it!!

  4. Absolutely! Always go after your dreams! If you don't risk it, you will NEVER find out if it would be for you. ALWAYS positive!

  5. Go for it! You'll never know if your idea will work unless you try. Stay positive!

  6. GO for it! With so much passion that fear will have no space in your head anymore!

  7. Whatever it is, I totally think that you should go for it! If all you're in danger of is wasting some time, it's at least worth the effort to try it now than to regret it when it could be too late and wonder 'what if?'...

  8. You never know until you try, and maybe what is holding you back is fear of failure? If you try this thing and it doesn't or won't hurt anyone go for it!

  9. I'd say go for it. The worst that could happen is that you find out it's not gonna happen. Now you have me all curious. Thanks for that ;)

  10. A good friend once asked me, "What's the point in fighting so hard to live if you don't LIVE?"

    Go for it. If the worst outcome is that you wasted a little time, then there really isn't a risk. Which might be why your gut isn't chiming in, it knows this is a slam dunk answer. And those doubting voices? Tell them to shut up.

  11. Oh my YES, do it! Go for your Dreams you never know, its best to say I did try then not to at all!

  12. Totally go for it! Life is too short to have regrets and if it is not going to hurt anyone then it's not a bad thing!


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