

Teachers Change Lives

As most of you already know, I used to be a teacher. I taught in an urban school district and I could have spent my entire (fairly meager) paycheck on supplies for my classroom and stuff for my students. As it was, I spent more than I should have. On necessities like paper and on enriching things like books. Heck, even Hot Guy spent money on my classroom; he built a model rocket with my students when we were dating. Plus, I had to buy stuff every time we had a class party, because many of my students' parents couldn't afford to send in treats. My former students are teenagers now and I don't know how many of them remember their first or second grade teacher, but I like to think that teaching them to read changed their lives for their better.

Office Depot's Teachers Change Lives program recognizes how many teachers spend their own money and most of their free time helping students succeed. They've partnered with Adopt-A-Classroom to recognize and help all the amazing teachers across the country.

I teared up (just a little) watching this video. #TeachersChangeLives, and these students are proof. Watch as students express how much their teachers mean to them.

  • How to Donate to the Teachers Change Lives Program
    1. Go to Teachers Change Lives
    2. Click on the teal "Donate to a Teacher" box on the Teachers Change Lives website, which will take you to the Adopt-A-Classroom website.
    3. Follow their directions. 
  • How to Register Your Classroom as a Teacher
    1. Go to Teachers Change Lives.
    2. Click on the red box that says "Register Your Classroom," which will take you to the Adopt-A-Classroom website.
    3. Follow the directions provided. 

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


  1. Teaching is a noble job.
    We ( our governments included ) should give more value to teachers because next to parents, these are the people who mold future leaders of any country :)

    I was wondering, can you still submit a name even if you're not a student?

  2. @Russ: Yes we should! I think teachers have to submit themselves, actually. But you can search for teachers and/or schools you know if you want to donate. And let the teachers you know know about the program!

  3. This had always made me nuts about teachers spending their own money! Especially since every...single...year there's tax increases said to go for teachers. What a load

  4. This seems like a great program to show appreciation for teachers ;-) Awesome!

  5. What a wonderful thing to show appreciation for teachers. They never get enough in my opinion! Thanks for sharing this.

  6. Seems like a really great idea to try and get more support and inspire children. I don't think there's anything like it in the UK

  7. I've worked with school districts most of my adult life, and it confuses me with why government spending is the way it is. Never made sense to me to cut arts, physical education, and materials for class. This post is very important. I hope more teachers get the tools they need to reach our students.

  8. Teachers are really influential in molding tomorrow's leaders so this is a nice project to support.

  9. Teachers are really influential in molding tomorrows leaders so this is a nice project to support.

  10. My son's teacher always goes out of her way to do something special for the kids on the holidays. I like to help her out by bringing in goodie bags or cupcakes to the class.

  11. I love this post so much. My mother is teacher and it's a shame what little recognition they get these days. Teachers are amazing and I love that people are starting to honor them more.

  12. As a former teacher, I think people would be surprised to know how much of their own money teachers spend. I had to buy basic supplies like my own pencils so the kids could have them!

  13. As a former teacher, I think people would be surprised to know how much of their own money teachers spend. I had to buy basic supplies like my own pencils so the kids could have them!

  14. Teachers provide so much! Ooh, I could never do it! #NoPatience

  15. Good teachers are so rare nowadays, but it's those good ones that truly make kids inspired!

  16. Being a teacher is such a respectful job - the good and committed teachers are rare nowadays - but they are always inspiring and awesome

  17. Definitely a program I will support. Teacher don't always get recognized for the awesome job they are doing. That's why this pregram is great.

  18. That is a great program! I volunteer in both of my boys classrooms and I see first hand how under appreciated the poor teachers are.

  19. I worked for almost 25 years for a very large city school district and spent a great deal of my money each year. It is so wonderful to have programs like this and for people and companies to go out and support our teachers.

  20. I think this is a great cause to donate to. Thank you for sharing!

  21. teaching is one of the most rewarding if under appreciated jobs one could have.

  22. This is an excellent cause, and I'm very happy to hear about it. I will be finding a way to donate for sure! Teachers rule!!

  23. As a teacher, I approve this post. One of the benefits of being a teacher is the impact that we have on the lives and minds of young people.

  24. Teaching is a really tough job and I admire those called to it who give it their all. I love that Office Depot is doing this!

  25. What an awesome post for teacher. They sure are not respected much in this country which is so sad.

  26. Sounds like you really cared about your students when you were a teacher, and still do. God bless!

  27. During the time my son has been in school. I've met some great teachers. They do amazing work and don't get appreciated enough. Nice that Office Depot and Adopt-A-Classroom are raising awareness for teachers.

  28. I think it is amazing when you find a teacher that will spend their own money to help the children in their class. This is a great post!


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