

Spring Is Coming

I love Game of Thrones. The TV show and the book series upon which it is based, A Song of Ice and Fire, are pop culture obsessions of mine. Some days this winter made me feel so dark and gloomy that I consoled myself by thinking, "At least I'm not at Winterfell." 

For those of you who don't watch/read (YOU SHOULD), Winterfell is the castle where it is always cold and windy. It is the home of the Stark family, most of whom have been killed by their enemies. Currently it's a burned out hull. 

That's how much I hated this winter. 

When we got our first taste of warmth and sun this year - on April 10th, I might add - I remembered that even though "Winter is coming," so is spring. And summer. 

Last year at the Easter Egg hunt, we wore winter coats. But not this year. Only Hugmonkey was really interested in meeting the Easter bunny. 

Lovebug had his first baseball game. Then we went to the park for a picnic. 

I want to call this a "chelfie", for self and child. 

There was climbing. 

More chelfie. I think I'm getting better at them. Except for lighting. 

There was exploring. 

 And swinging. 

Lots of swinging. 


  1. I love spring!! Not sure why but family photos are best in spring. And you proved it again here.

  2. I know it is spring, but the weather keeps playing tricks on my. The day before yesterday, we were gardening and now it is cold out. I even live in Florida so I am definitely ready for the warm weather to stick.

  3. Looks like you've had lots of fun! Spring is finally here (although last night we had SNOW in Maryland ughhh). I love your new term "chelfie" haha I will have to start using that :)

  4. I love spring!! Such great photos, thanksfor sharing

  5. I agree. This winter was brutal and I'm looking forward to a gorgeous spring! Love the pics!!! Keep capturing those memories! :)

  6. I may be the only person that hasn't seen Game of Thrones, LOL. I am so over snow, I'm glad spring is coming!

  7. I have not seen Game of Thrones (I keeps saying I will and don't) but I love your description and how it related to winter. We are so SICK of winter. Caitlin wore shorts to school yesterday b/c it was in the 60's the day before and it snowed!

  8. So glad spring is here too and Easter will be soon! love the pics!

  9. Game of Thrones is beyond epic and I fully understand the feeling. This winter was just way to long and I live in the south! I can't imagine living up north were it's mid-April and there is still snow. I think I might be driven as mad as Cersi if it was like that here.

    Looks like y'all had an amazing spring day at the park. I really think those are some of the best.

  10. Ha! How cute...a "chelfie." Better copyright/trademark that name quick! Speaking of Old Man Winter, we have a 78-degree day a couple days ago, followed by rain, and then yesterday, we had snow and it stuck. SO crazy.

  11. Yeah for spring. Took so long to get here. Love the pictures! You guys must had a blast :)

  12. OMG...I'm so hooked on Game of Thrones too. It's so good. Very cute spring Easter egg hunt!

  13. LOVE Game of Thrones and spring too! Isn't is great when spring finally arrives. It just makes you want to go to the park like you did. Woo Hoo!

  14. I have not got into Game of Thrones! I'm sure I would be addicted! Thanks for the info, and yes, summer must be coming eventually!

  15. Spring is my favorite season of the year. Colorful and pretty nice weather. We just joined an Egg hunt at the park here and my little one did lots of swinging, too! :D

  16. I don't read fiction or watch tv, but I do love spring. We celebrate the first day of spring with a picnic. I love it so much!

  17. I love Game of Thrones also. But I will be happy to see winter leaving. :)

  18. Looks like you had loads of fun! The pics are awesome. I really like Game of Thrones also!


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