

Did You Check For Underwear Today?

It's not a surprise when a 5 year old boy gets a hole in his pants.

It's not completely unprecedented for that hole to be across his behind.

But I'm pretty sure my kid is the only one who wasn't wearing underwear when that particular hole happened.
My 5 Year Old Hates Underwear.
He'll wear rabbit ears. He'll wear necklaces. He'll wear his coat.
Anything but underwear. 

Lately Hugmonkey has had an aversion to underwear. I try to remember to check to see if he's wearing any, but since he's been dressing himself (WITH UNDERWEAR) for two years now, I'm not very good at it. Obviously, I didn't check on that fateful day.

Talk about a rookie mistake.

We don't know when the hole happened. Apparently, Hugmonkey didn't notice. I can only assume it was after school, otherwise I'm sure his teacher would have called me to bring him some new pants. And underwear.

But instead there he was, running around the playground, mooning his schoolmates and their parents - until Hot Guy (who was doing pick up that day, #thankyoubabyjesus) happened to notice. They left the playground at once. I'd like to think that no one noticed, but that seems unlikely. It was a BIG hole. Seriously big. He really was giving the full moon to everyone, which I really didn't expect to happen until he was at least in high school.

I'd  also like to think that no one who knows our family noticed; surely our acquaintances would mention that our son was exposing himself to the entire playground? Right? You'd tell me (or rather, Hot Guy), wouldn't you? Right?

I'd also like to report that Hugmonkey has learned his lesson and is consistently wearing underwear again, but that would be an exaggeration. However, I have gotten much better about checking before we leave the house.

I have also gotten a little paranoid. I find myself eyeing the other parents suspiciously, wondering if they were mooned by my 5 year old and didn't mention it to me or Hot Guy. And then I wonder why they didn't mention it and what they must think of parents who let their kids go to school without underwear.

But then I remember that the idea of a five year old mooning people is pretty funny.

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