

A Quick Guide to Reading Components

This is a repost of my first Teaching Tuesday post from last summer. Mainly because I have the nastiest cold and I can't think straight. But also because I'm much better at pinnable images now. 

The Basic Components of Reading


Is totally not a real word. But were you able to pronounce it? That's phonics.


Also not a real word, but if you put the sounds together quickly it sounds like a real word. That's phonemic awareness.

Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers. 

If you read that quickly three times, that's fluency. Also any time you read a word without having to sound it out phonetically.

I was born in a summer month that has 31 days and starts with "J". The sixteenth of that month is exactly two weeks after my birthday. 

If you now know when my birthday is, that's comprehension. Also, logic. They kind of go together.

Loquacious. Hydroponics. 

Those are cool vocabulary words that don't come up in everyday conversation. But the bigger your speaking vocabulary the easier reading will be.

The Dirty Truth

If your kid is struggling with and/or dislikes reading,  s/he is struggling with one or more of these components. If your kid's teacher can't tell you which one(s) s/he is struggling with and how you can help, then there's a problem with the teacher. Any teacher who can't articulate why a student is struggling with reading shouldn't be teaching reading.


  1. I have a wicked cold right now, too! Hope you feel better.

    My six year old is actually getting help with his reading because he wasn't reading at grade level (first grade), but once someone took the time to work one on one with him instead of the group setting, he started to thrive.

  2. It's important to recognize that everyone learns differently. It's nice to know that schools offer reading coaching now, I remember several classmates struggling with reading.

  3. I had no idea what he componants of reader were. That is so helpful! Thankfully my kids can read well; but my 2nd does struggle a little with phonics. Cause we moved in the middle of Kindergarten from one school that taught Sight words AND phonics, to a school that only taught sight words and NO phonics. I was NOT a happy mama. Cause now he struggles with phonics and sounding out word.

  4. Great tips for those struggling to understand. I think exploritude should be a word, it's fun

  5. It is really hard when your kid has a hard time reading. Thank you for the interesting information!

  6. I don't know what the cause was, but I struggled to start reading early on in first grade. I remember teachers being concerned and my parents kind of nagging me about it but I didn't know what I was doing wrong. Then out of nowhere (it seemed), it clicked. By the time I was in third grade, I passed the 6th grade reading level assessment and they didn't have a higher grade level to keep testing. So, it worked out fine for me but I wonder if I could have caught on sooner if my teacher or parents knew which part of reading I was struggling with.

  7. I'm looking forward to my little guy talking--and then reading. It must be so rewarding to see them learn.

  8. My little guy is down and out w/the flu today (and yesterday too).

    I like that you post about awareness. My little one's doing great this year...even reading chapter books now. Last year, that was not the case and we made the decision to have him held back after he was passed (we were all on the fence). Best decision we made, though it was very tough at the time.

  9. My son's school barely touched on phonics. I have always thought he would like reading better if he knew phonics.

  10. I love reading however son not so much he gets bored so easy that if the book doesn't hold his interest he loses what it's about.

  11. We are starting to learn to read with kids at home so I will be keeping this handy.
    Agreed if they can't articulate why they are not fit to do so

  12. My kids are through college now and I am so glad that I don't have to deal with the educational setting anymore. Way too complicated.

  13. I cannot do phonics at all - I didn't realise quite how bad I was at it till I went into my dyslexia test and they had to completely skip that section.

    I had a teacher who thought I was 'lazy' as I could read words but not spell them, its amazing the different a good teacher and a bad teacher can make. x

  14. This is great, when I get to the reading stage with my little one I will keep it in mind.

  15. I agree with you. I was talking to a parent of a brilliant child (she is 4 and in 2nd grade) and her teacher could not figure out why lately she got all of her answers wrong. After talking to the mother for five minutes, we figured out the child was not looking at the paper. She told her daughter to focus and was back to getting 100s on her tests.

  16. thanks for these - everyone learns on different pace so this is actually a good idea.

  17. I love using the word loquacious. It makes me feel so smart.

  18. Thanks for explaining the reading components. I had no idea what they were.

  19. My six year old is having trouble reading, its hard trying to teach some kids. But she'd getting it! Thanks for the tips

  20. That is an awesome explanation. thank you so much for the break down. I also love the blunt and honest final statement, there are some that are just in the wrong profession.

  21. These are great tips to help with comprehension. Great explanation

  22. My daughter is just about ready to start reading! I love when she recognizes her name and other small words like mom and dad. Its the best!

  23. I'm one lucky mom as my first grader is very good in reading. Indeed, her level in reading is "advance" - great post and informative.

  24. My 4 year old is loves to read 3 to 4 letter words now. I can't wait to teach him how to read sentences. :) Great tips!

  25. I will have to do some of this with my middle. He really struggles to read.

  26. So far my son is ahead in reading ... We just have to work on getting him to do better with spelling

  27. Great points! We homeschool but my son learned to read in kindergarten at a private Christian school last year. He's a really good reader but his weakest area I would say is comprehension. But since he's an early reader I'd say he'll get better with practice. :)


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