
Weighty Wednesday: Selfie Loathing

I can't remember the last time I liked a picture of myself. Sometimes I can sort of like a family picture, or a picture of me with Hot Guy or a kiddo, but I'm pretty much guaranteed to loathe any picture of just me.

I'm pretty sure this indicates that I don't love and accept myself the way I am. At least on the outside.

I heard about the #365FeministSelfie on Twitter one night a couple of months ago. I thought, I should do that. I bet it would help me learn to accept myself.

Or at least get better at taking selfies.

But then I promptly forgot about it, because my brain is a sieve and I didn't write it down. Or maybe because I wanted to forget about it, because the idea of taking pictures of myself on a regular basis makes me extremely uncomfortable - never mind actually having to share them with people.

And yet.

I want a world where women of all sizes, shapes, styles and colors are considered beautiful. I want a world in which women stop obsessing about the last five pounds and use that energy to run for political office. I want a world in which we all love our bodies and treat them with care and respect.

I want to make healthy choices not because I'm hoping to lose weight and then love myself, but just because I love myself as I am.

I do not want to hate almost* every single picture of myself taken after 2002.

*I don't hate this one and it's from 2006. Though there is technically a kid with me (Lovebug) and there's the whole breastfeeding on a glacier coolness factor. 

So this is me trying to take a selfie. 

I hate this picture. 

But I'm posting it anyway. 

Hoping for radical self-acceptance to magically appear. 


Mom said...

I LOVE this post! I have been practicing my selfies and also hate numerous pics of myself, but we have to remember, one day our kids will want to see those photos and they won't look as bad to them as they do to us. Keep practicing your selfies:)

Kirs said...

I've been taking selfies long before they were the "thing" to do. As soon as I had my first digital camera I took them. Personally I love them.

And like the above comment says your kids will love to have pictures of you.

Unknown said...

I hate every picture ever taken of me as well. But yours looks good. Good for you for trying to get over the self loathing.

Anonymous said...

I rarely take pictures of myself too. I am hoping as I continue on my weight loss journey I will gain confidence to take more pictures.

Michelle F.

Tonya said...

I'm not a fan of taking pics of myself at all. Even Hubby complains that I'm too much behind the camera and not enough in front of it. I'm working on it though....

Unknown said...

It is never easy to accept ourselves, but we must! I take selfies with the kids all the time.

Petro Neagu said...

I am the same, I hate all my selfies, no matter how cute people say they are. It's not about self acceptance, it's the camera's fault :)

mystylespot said...

I think most of us are critical of our own pics. Seems pretty human to me.

Maura said...

I do not mind pictures of me. I suck at taking selfies. Maybe by arms are too short...lol.

Danielle said...

Thanks for sharing! I realized that I have avoided photos of myself so much that I hardly have any of myself as my boys were babies. Now they are almost 3 and 1 1/2 and I feel like I've already missed out on so many memories by avoiding the camera. I am on a mission to change that :)

Heather Jones said...

I'm definitely more critical of myself than people are of me. Heck I hate to hear my own voice on camera, seems weird to me. This is great for you to do this. I think it will help you to love yourself and accept yourself and see the beauty in you.

Earth Rullan said...

You know what you look lovely there skin looks nice! Take more selfies and soon enough you will be more confident :)

Lisa R. said...

You are beautiful!

Lisa said...

You Are Beautiful Inside & Out Don't Ever Think Any Different!!

Beth said...

You know what? You look awesome. I think everyone feels awkward and uncomfortable sometimes, but you're great and brave for being so vulnerable and open in this post.

Unknown said...

Be true to who you are and the beauty that you have will shine.

Unknown said...

breastfeeding on a glacier is about one of the best photos I have ever seen!

Lisa said...

I Love The Picture!

LisaLisa said...

Beautiful picture! I too dislike my pictures. I have pledged to take control of my weight this year and so far I'm doing OK! Maybe one day I will gain that confidence .

Bibiana Bailey said...

Great post! I used to hate taking photos oF myself. I am still not a huge fan, but I am embracing it slowly :)

Unknown said...

I love this inspiring post. I hate taking selfies also and will be so glad when this trend passes. It may have to do with my weight issues and some self-loathing insecurities I have where I feel more comfortable hiding behind other people in photos and only showing a face and smile. I am on the road to self acceptance also, along with self healing and being more health conscious and hopefully through all of those tasks, I'll grow to be the person who I know is on the inside kicking and screaming to come out. BTW... I ADORE the purple shirt selfie, you're looking very pretty and bohemian with the messy, red tendrils. I have to add heat, product and lots of anger for my curly hair to even attempt to look managed! LOL!

TerinAleah said...

You are beautiful! But I can totally relate to this post! I hate most pictures of myself as well. :( I take my selfies at that higher angle to make myself look smaller, haha!

Unknown said...

You look wonderful! I'd fuss at you for hating the picture but I'd probably be the same way if it were a selfie of myself... But you do look great!! Just know that.

Kiittäkää Aina ja Kaikesta said...

You look very good in the picture! I hate taking selfies and I hate my picture being taken. I guess it's a very common issue.

Linda Carmical said...

I've been making myself be the star of pictures over the last year. I haven't been in many, but I've been doing it and then putting myself out there! It's not easy. Heck, it's down right hard. I hate the way I look, so I feel ya girl! It's not an easy thing to do when you have no confidence in your appearance.

With that said, you look good. I don't get why you have issues. :)