

Weighty Wednesday: The Scale Is A Bitch


And I don't mean that in a  Tina Fey "Bitches Get Stuff Done" way, or a "Babe In Total Control of Herself" way. I mean that in a  sneaky, backstabbing, lead actress in a soap opera way.

Recently, my scale showed that I had gained weight. Now, since I only weigh myself once a week and since I'm eating less than I did at this time last year, there's really no reason for this to be happening.

Except that the scale is a bitch.

The other day after Hot Guy praised my dedication to the gym, I ranted about the weight gain (isn't that how you're supposed to react to compliments from your husband? Ranting?). And he looked me and said, "No, you haven't gained weight."

And while the man does look at me naked on a regular basis, I took his perception with a grain of salt. Horny men aren't very discerning, after all. But then I remembered that all my pants still fit just fine. So I went old school and took out a tape measure.

I'd lost an inch around my waist and an inch around my thighs since the last time I'd measured, which was 3 weeks ago when I realized that I needed to adjust my bra size. So I was in fact smaller than I had been, even though the scale said otherwise.

"Muscle ways more than fat" is one of those phrases I've always heard but never really believed. Unless you were talking about body builders or something. I always trusted the scale first, my clothes second. And measurements? I never paid any attention to them at all.

No wonder I've spent most of my life upset with my weight. . . I've been listening to a bitch.

I'm going to start taking my cues from the tape measure; she seems like a really kind girl.

How do you measure your weight?


  1. I try not to! lol I go by how clothes are fitting on me and how I feel.

  2. LOL I agree that the scale is a bitch, that is why I avoid it as much as possible :)

  3. Go by your clothing and appearance! Take a before pic! Muscle definitely weighs more than fat!

  4. Menopause is kicking my butt so I try to stay off that thing. It's so depressing!!

  5. I weigh myself daily and it fluctuates up and down.. I get pissed but i know i am losing even with the weight gain.

  6. It's true that muscle weighs more than fat. You can do exercising in the gym that won't make you bulk up on muscle. Ignore the scale: 15 months after I started eating better and getting daily exercise, I've lost 73 lbs!

  7. thats why I hate my scale. As I run more my clothes are getting loose but the number on the scale has not changed

  8. Hehe i love this post! Just seeing the pic makes me laugh!

  9. Dump that bitch! I wish I could get mine out of the house! ;)

  10. LOVE IT!! We need to have a scale demolition would draw millions!! ha/ha

  11. I wish I'd known you use "the bitch" to measure your progress as I would've warned you in advance. She did the same to me for so many years until I got fed up and threw it at the back of my closet. Ever since I look amazing :)

  12. There you go girl! No one likes a bitchy scale. I have heard the same thing about weight and muscle, so seems like you are doing well.

  13. I don't go by the scale. I'm not trying to lose weight; I'm trying to lose FAT. Those are two completely different things! I go by measurements, but I haven't been taking them very accurately, so I suppose I mostly go by how my clothes fit and how I look in the mirror. At this point if I gain weight, it's most likely from muscle, woohoo! (unless I fall off the wagon, but we'll hope that doesn't happen...)

  14. I loved your comment on the scale. I feel the same way right now! Thanks for sharing I feel better.

  15. My sister the personal trainer says to not pay attention to the scale. It's all about how your clothes fit and how you look. Sounds like you look great!

  16. The scale is evil. I become a slave to it, constantly weighing myself so when I diet my husband hides it on me because I become obsessed!

  17. I always use to listen the scale too but lately I have been going with how I feel and how my clothes fit.

  18. Kudos to the tape measure, and a big boo to the scale. :) I have a scale that I love, but I hardly ever get on it. I do put little man on it a lot though because he loves weighing himself. Yet another big difference between being a child and an adult. ;)

  19. I try to measure my weight by how my clothes fit. Does not always work. But the scale is most definitely a bitch.

  20. I learned at a young age to hate the scale, my mother battled with it for years. I made a stout promise to myself to never own a scale, and I don't. I judge my weight by how my clothes feel. I only know a number because the nurses at various doctor's offices insist on weighing me.

  21. I do not watch the scale for this exact reason. I watch my inches and how my clothes fit. That's really the only way for me.


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