

Weighty Wednesday: Healthier Choices

I don't believe in dieting, but that doesn't mean I don't want to make healthier choices. Sometimes, though, it's hard to remember that "not dieting" does not mean eating like an Olympic swimmer (I will never get over the article I read about how Michael Phelps eats 12,000 calories a day when he's training). Unless you are an Olympic swimmer.

Which I am not. Unfortunately. Because I would totally like to attempt to eat like one.

I like eating.

Making healthy food choices.

Anyway, one thing I (sometimes, when I'm acting like a responsible adult and my colitis isn't flaring and I don't have PMS) do when I'm working on being healthier is to write down everything I eat for a week or two.

I have tried recording it my workout/weight record app, My Fitness Pal (does anyone have an app they recommend?), but then it always tallies my calories and tells me how long it will take to lose 10 pounds and lets me know how many calories I have left for the day. It reminds me of my checking account, frankly. It gets me obsessed with numbers, not health. I invariably get discouraged. And then I stop recording what I'm eating.

So I find a non-tallying, old-fashioned notebook more effective. When I don't want to write down what I just ate, or what I'm about to eat, I realize there's a problem with my choice. It's not always enough to keep me on a healthy track, but I think it helps.

When I love myself enough to do it.

What strategies do you use to make healthy choices?


  1. I lost 100 lbs and I atuck to a strict diet while I was doing so. Now I eat whatever I want, but I make sure I workout enough to cover the calories I took in.

  2. wow 12,000 calories?! That sounds crazy yet he is in amazing shape. I have been trying to eat healthy and change my habits. It's not always easy but I think if you make small changes they eventually add up into big results.

  3. I'm a calorie counter so that's kind of how I keep myself on track. I'm always aware of what I'm eating.

  4. It's very easy for me to make easier choices since I took a nutrition course in college. BUT, that being said, I'm still a huge sugar addict. I'm aware of what I'm doing. It's yummy!

  5. It's very easy for me to make easier choices since I took a nutrition course in college. BUT, that being said, I'm still a huge sugar addict. I'm aware of what I'm doing. It's yummy!

  6. I try to eat whole, clean foods and limit my cheating. I am trying to get in shape for my wedding!

  7. A lot of people have told me they like My Fitness Pal. I use the lose it app, mostly because that's what I've used before and I was successful before so in my mind the two are tied together! I think it has more or less the same functionality. But I completely agree with you about getting obsessed with the numbers! I never want to see my day turn red (which means over calories!)

  8. I eat cleana bout 90% of the time by avoiding as much processed foods as possible. I also workout for 90 minutes everyday

  9. Portion size is everything to me. I have to allow myself something FUN, but have to limit the sizes

  10. I'm trying to eat healthy food. I eat too much rice lol. I am not fat though but I am starting to eat lesser rice these days. I really admire moms who can work out. I can't do it yet.

  11. I also suffer from colitis, and think keeping a food journal is very important at living a healthier life. Once you pinpoint what is causing those flares, you can make changes to feel much better!

  12. I know it can be easy to make better food choices but unfortunately I just don't do it all the time. I found using an app to track what I eat does help a lot though.

  13. I believe in "dieting", and that it works, but ONLY temporary. You have to make a real life change for sure!

  14. I always kept track on paper mainly because I didn't always want to turn on a device to log in something. Just easier to have an open tablet on the kitchen counter and log it when I go get something.

  15. I like to work out and run alot so I can eat a little more.

  16. I really need to stick to a routine and just lock all cabinets and the fridge when I have pms. it's like i'm a robot !

  17. I think its important to figure out what food types work for your particular constitution - because everyone is different. Some will give you energy while others will make you feel sluggish. Once you know what works for you then you can go about factoring in only those food groups that really boost your energy!

  18. Ugh, I love eating too. I think a notebook works better for me too.

  19. I love eating too, so I feel you!!! I am excited to join our local YMCA and start bettering myself.

  20. I love to eat too and am working hard to lose 100 pounds. I'm down 22 pounds so far. I have decided to be deliberate about what I'm eating and have made an agreement with myself that I will eat clean 20 meals a week. That gives me a chance to eat a little less than healthy 1 meal a week. Sometimes I take advantage of this meal, sometimes I eat clean all week long. I have found that recording my food in a planning calendar along with my weight each day helps me to see patterns of which food combinations work for me and which don't.

  21. So, I'm on your home page checking out your posts (like your blog btw) and was ready to jump on the first post I saw but scrolled a little. Then I found this one and an instant guilt happened. lol I'm diabetic and KNOW I need to eat right. I've been ignoring it, pushing it to the back of my head no matter how hard it trys to work its way to the forefront! I've been telling my conscience "Yeah, yeah! I know! Tomorrow! Now get off my back!" For some reason, your post has cause it to make its way to my conscious awake brain! Thanks for that. It's the kick I needed!

  22. My biggest step, so far taken, towards healthier choices is that I don't buy unhealthy snack options. I also have been cooking from scratch for two reasons; healthier meals & to save money. I think saving money really pushes me towards making healthier choices overall.

  23. Trying to eat right can be so hard. I have some weight to lose, and I'll do it eventually. Starting a food journal, like you mentioned is a great starting point. It can really open up your eyes to what you are actually DOING and what sort of habits you have. I have a feeling my journal would include lots of coffee, carbs and sugar. Blah.

  24. My husband and I need to get better about making healthier choices. A lot of times we go with the easier as opposed to the healthier options.

  25. I've never counted calories. maybe it would work for me.

  26. I also refuse to "diet" I do commit to healthier choices ad a better use of moderation .

  27. I started counting calories and lost 40 pounds

  28. For me, it's been about making healthier food choices and watching portion control. I do terribly when I try to completely eliminate a food I love.

  29. I try to cut back on carbs and add more veggies... It is not always easy.

  30. Writing down everything I eat is so helpful for me as well. Wish I could stick with it!

  31. Thanks for this inspiration. This is something that I have been working on myself-- making better choices for myself and my family that are healthy-- starting with eating better. We don't eat a lot of junk food, but it could still be better.

  32. I didn't like My Fitness Pal either. I tried a Whole 30 challenge and loved it though. No counting calories...just eat meat, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables. Simple! Well, except the cutting out sugar and carbs part.

  33. I really need to lose 100 lbs of weight. I do exercise daily, but I eat late sucks! I hate being overweight!

  34. I was the same way. I got all these counting weightloss apps and I became obsessed with the numbers. I finally said forget it! Now I just concentrate on eating better.


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