
Teaching Tuesday: Super Science Ideas

It wasn't until I was in graduate school for education that I learned science could actually be fun. And that learning science concepts didn't always have to involved a dry textbook or a dead frog. In the hopes that my kids learn to like science before their mid-twenties, our family went to Super Science Saturday last weekend. Even if you don't live in north Jersey, though, there are lots of Super Science Saturday activities at museums, schools and colleges around the country.

Science ideas for kids.
There were drones. They didn't fly them, though. 

Science for kids.
There was a flight simulator. 

And there were tons of experiments by local kids. 

Looking at bacteria. 

Science experiments for kids
Creating static electricity. 

One of my favorite experiments; creating colored flowers. 

Some kids were stationed by there experiments so they could explain them. 

Making paper airplanes. 

Flying paper airplanes.

I have still never held a snake. 

My kids are braver than I am (except for Hugmonkey). 

But you don't have to go to a science event or museum to teach your kids about science. And you also don't have to buy expensive sets or do a ton of work for them to learn about science. I promise.

  • For babies and toddlers: Okay, life is pretty much a science experiment for babies and toddlers - dropping the cup on the floor 8 million times is just a way to test gravity, after all. Provide soft blocks, cups for the bath and experience with textures like sand and grass and you've covered baby science. 
  • Preschoolers: Building with blocks and riding bikes are an excellent intro to physics. For biology, you can have them grow some bean plants or even just have them help in the family garden. Chemistry can be covered by cooking together, or letting them mix paints and/or play dough colors. 
  • Early elementary grades: There are so many great options for this age group. Have them test the distances their paper airplanes can fly and figure out which styles or materials fly best. Grab some white carnations and put them in cups of water, then add food coloring to the water and watch what happens to the flowers. Let them figure out the fastest way to make an ice cube melt. Encourage them to cook with you more, to try out different types of seeds or watering schedules in the garden, to make their own play dough and to make predictions about the world around them. 
  • Intermediate grades: If they're big Lego fans, try Lego Robotics. They can also try building ramps for the skateboards or bikes. I've seen kids become obsessed with figuring out which brand of microwave popcorn pops the most, or which stain fighter is most effective. 
If you need more ideas, there are great books with lots of science ideas:


Scrappy Geek said...

Boy does this bring me back to childhood. I loved going to science expos like this. It looks like fun was had by all! :)

NetWorkingWitches said...

I hate science and hate teaching it or so I thought. I found with a little creativity it can be fun and you don't even know you're learning. It looks like you have that philosophy too!

Grace said...

I love attending these types of activities and letting the kids explore the world of science. Everyone looks like they had a great time.

Maddi'sMommy said...

What a fantastic way to spend your afternoon :)

Erin Slocum said...

That is awesome! I am going to have to search and see if there is something like this in our area. My kids would love it.

The Mommy-Files said...

Wow! It looks like there were some awesome things for the kids to see and do! My boys love Science and would love to do something like that here.

mystylespot said...

These look like such great project ideas! loved seeing all the pics too!

mail4rosey said...

That does look like a great place to visit (Except for the snake). :)

The tips at the end are good to consider too.

Amy Ditmore said...

My goal this summer is to do as many things like this as possible with my kids. I think some places have the neatest science activities, we just don't live near those places lol. So we'll be having to drive a little, it looks so fun though.

Lisa said...

Looks Like Everybody Had Fun!!

Unknown said...

I love the paper plane flying center! I wouldn't leave that spot for always wanting to better the last flight pattern.

Danielle said...

This looks like so much fun. My boys are only 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 but I can't wait til they will enjoy things like this more!

Unknown said...

Very cool! This looks like a lot of fun. We did a girls stem night last week and my daughter loved it.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a really fun place to go and take the kids.

Coralie said...

What a lot of fun. Kids are so curious and this is great way to help them learn about things on their level. Thanks for sharing!