

Staycation Planning: Madame Tussaud's

As we all know, I've been a little disappointed that we couldn't go away this spring. But the kids will still get a vacation from school (and their activities) in April, which means I do get to plan a staycation. One place we're finally going to visit is Madame Tussauds in Times Square.

Not only do they have over 200 wax figures of celebrities and historical figures, they have tons of interactive exhibits. And there's a 4D Marvel Superheroes theater, where we will be spending A LOT of time. I think Ironflower will be into the Music Experience, where she can pretend she's Katy Perry. Lovebug will probably like the Sports Zone, where somehow you can box with Evander Holyfield. I'm assuming he goes easy on children. Hot Guy will be all about the Gallery, where he can sign the Declaration of Independence with Ben Franklin. I'm curious about the working Newsroom, myself. And Lovebug will get to see all of his favorite superheroes.

I love going new places with my family. And Hot Guy and I will have so much fun explaining all of the famous people that the kids don't recognize. I have a feeling it's going to take us a long time to get through the Gallery, that's for sure.

Click here if you'd like 15% off your visit to Madame Tussauds!

I'm receiving tickets to Madame Tussaud's as compensation for this post. This has not influenced my opinion, just made it easier for our family to go to Madame Tussauds. 


  1. I have never visited Madam Tussouds but I've heard so much about the wax figures and how lifelike they are. I would love to visit sometime and see them for real!

  2. I have never visited this place. I have grown up hearing so many wonderful things about it.

  3. Hi! I live in NJ, too. I think my kids would like Madame Tussauds. Thanks for the coupon! Visiting from Bloggertunities.

  4. Never thought about planning a staycation. Good idea. Makes me want to pretend I'm having one and plan it. Maybe a short one. :)


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