

Shopping Saturday: JenJenHouse

I'll admit it; the first thing that caught my eye about JenJenHouse was the name. In real life, people call me Jen. (Well, some do. Mostly I am "Mo-om". ) Anyway, I clicked on it and found prom dresses. Lots of prom dresses.

So many pretty dresses.

This is one I would want to wear now, never mind to a prom.

I mean, it would have been much better than the floral dress I did wear to my prom, but I would rather wear it now. But not to a prom, because that would be weird. I think this dress is so nice and sophisticated that I could wear it. . . .somewhere fancy. Not that I go anywhere fancy.

This is the dress I probably would have picked, had it been available back in the dark ages when I went to prom:

Well, I wouldn't have picked it in black, I would have chosen a pale pink. I was obsessed with the dress that Maggie wore in the movie Lucas, which was similar, but pale pink. The cool thing about is that many of their prom dresses are available in lots of different colors. The dress I wore to my prom was available in two colors only and I swear there were about six people wearing in it each color. We would have been so much better off if we'd been able to pick lots of different colors. Or been able to find decent dresses in a few more stores.

Or been able to shop on the internet.

At least I'll be able to look on the internet when Ironflower gets to be prom dress age. Not that she'll like anything I pick, but at least I'll have an excuse to look at pretty dresses for a couple of hours. Would it be weird to start a pinterest board now?

I know exactly what site I'll start with.

This post is (obviously) sponsored. I was compensated for writing this post, but every word and opinion is my own. 


  1. Online gives much more of an opportunituy to browse without being rushed. Love that black dress, gorgeous!

  2. There are definitley more options for dresses online. I remember back in the day there were only like 2 stores that sold prom dresses.

  3. I will check them out to see if they make sizes for us shorter rounder people. lol ~Amanda

  4. I never even thought about shopping online when it was time for my prom. Kids have so many more options these days!

  5. These dresses are gorgeous and they would be perfect for any formal event including proms this spring.

  6. I love these dresses - black is so sexy in many ways.

  7. I like that they can custom make a size there if you need them to, and oh my gosh the dresses. You're right, this place rocks it for great selections.

  8. They definitely have more options and such beautiful dresses all together.

  9. That first dress is absolutely GORGEOUS! I hate that I missed prom because I love over the top pretty dresses and I never got to wear one.

  10. Proms are so much fun, especially as girls. I went all out with my dress, got my hair done, nails done, makeup done, and even had to get undergarments from Victoria's Secrets. Oh, my poor mom! I think the dress is the most important though and this definitely looks like a great place to find prom dresses.

  11. Both of these dresses are gorgeous. Prom time will be here before you know it and it is always great for someone to get a jump on it and order off the internet. This seems like a place that offers a good variety of dresses.

  12. beautiful. it's so nice that girls these days can shop for prom dresses online to see what is available. I remember going from store to store.

  13. The dresses are so beautiful. I tooc an spend hours looking at dresses especially wedding dresses. Starting a Pinterest board sounds like a good idea actually I might just do that.

  14. Love the black dresses. Shopping online is so much easier - hate trying things on in a store with the sales person constantly asking if everything's OK.

  15. Those are some beautiful dresses. My daughter is still prom dress hunting so I'll be sure to pass this along to her. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Those are some beautiful dresses. My daughter is still prom dress hunting so I'll be sure to pass this along to her. Thanks for sharing.

  17. These dresses looks so pretty and elegant. Love the long styles (Kim)

  18. You have great taste. Those dresses are gorgeous. I love online shopping!

  19. Those are such beautiful dresses! Wish I had this option when I was younger and heading to prom. Thankfully I have quite a few years before my daughter is old enough to worry about prom.

  20. We could do like they did on an episode of Friends and dress up in prom dresses (wedding dresses from the show) and drink champagne. Sounds like fun to me!!

  21. That first dress in the picture is just stunning!

  22. I like the JenJenHouse website. They have so many styles and option and I am sure it would be fun for anyone shopping for prom dress.

  23. JenJenHouse and similar sites make prom dress shopping so easy. They have great options and prices!

  24. They have some really pretty dresses there. It's great that girls today have so many options!

  25. There are so many dresses to choose from. Oh to be young again!

  26. We just received a dress from them for my friend's daughter for prom, it is even more beautiful in person than in the picture. We all love it, now the fun of all the rest of preparing for her big night out.

  27. These dresses are gorgeous and just perfect to wear to the prom celebrations that are coming up in the spring.

  28. Those are some really pretty dresses. I love the first one the most

  29. I love the first dress its real pretty.
    I always find it so much better to shop online.

  30. Those dresses are so pretty! Yes, if I could go back in time I think I would change what I wore to my prom!

  31. Those are gorgeous dresses. The first one is my favorite.

  32. Oh prom, how I don't miss thee! But that first dress is gorgeous :)

  33. I LOVE that first dress! Now I just need an event to wear it to... :)

  34. These dresses are so beautiful. I'm going to keep JenJen house in mind when looking for my next formal dress!

  35. It's hard to believe we're in prom season already. What gorgeous selections girls have to choose from!

  36. You made a decent selection of dresses from that website.

  37. I totally LOVE the first one! I had prom three years ago, and my dress was nothing like the first one-although I would have loved it if it were!

  38. The second dress is so pretty! The dresses at JenJen House are great for prom.


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