

One of My Most Embarrassing Moments

What's your most embarrassing moment? 

Lately I've seen that suggested as a blog topic, seen it discussed in some magazine and actually had someone ask me the question. I hate questions like this, not because I hate sharing my embarrassing moments (I used to have a series on here called "Mildly Embarrassing Monday", after all), but because I find choosing my MOST embarrassing moment just about impossible.

There are so many to choose from.

Jekyll Island, Georgia.

One of the few that still makes me cringe, though, was one that happened in college. And I was COMPLETELY SOBER.

For most of my early college time, I had a boyfriend - the first serious boyfriend I'd ever had. I was over him long before I actually got around to breaking up with him, because I was so clueless I didn't even realize that my lack of interest in talking to him on the phone or writing letters to him (it was 1991, okay?) meant that I'd probably lost interest in him altogether.

Until I met Trip.* Trip lived in the dorm next door. He was witty and tortured and cute, which basically made him catnip to me. He also had a HUGE drinking problem, but I didn't notice. Anyway, so I develop this crush on Trip, finally break up with the boyfriend and keep hoping that Trip will do something other than flirt with me and kiss me good-night.

I write to Trip over the summer, Trip does not write back.

But we start talking on the phone in the fall, as I have moved off campus. We go on one lame date. I still like him even though he has shown me numerous times that he is not that interested, has a drinking problem and needs therapy for his mommy issues. I persist, and he asks me out on a "real" date with dinner plans and everything. He is supposed to call the day of to tell me what time he will be picking me up.

He does not call that day.

He does not call that evening.

I get pissed. And teary. Mostly pissed.

Do I go out with my roommate and get drunk? Do I call a friend and cry? Do I write the paper that is due on Monday? Do I realize that there are approximately 10,000 cute young men in Boston?

Nope. I call him. I call him and I start yelling about what a jerk he is. Except I don't think I used the word "jerk". I go on and on and on. I barely pause to take a breath, I am so full of anger and hurt and disappointment and months of daydreaming.

When I am finally done, the guy on the phone says, "Do you want to repeat that for Trip, or should I just let him know how you're feeling?"

And I realize that I have just vented all my emotions onto Trip's best friend.  Who is laughing.

I still cringe whenever I think about it.

I think Trip called my apartment a few days later, but I had my roommate tell him I was out. So I never spoke to him - or to his best friend - again. Which is why I will encourage my children to attend large colleges in metropolitan areas. And to not make phone calls when they are extremely angry.

Definitely my most embarrassing phone call. Have you ever made a fool of yourself on the phone?

*Not his real name. But it could have been.


  1. Oh gosh! Too funny! I always have a hard time recalling my embarrassing moments. I think it's because I try so hard to forget they ever happened! haha

  2. Well he did need to be told he was a rude jerk even if it was from his best friend. :) We have all done similar. Although I know I have I can't remember any specific incidents but that is only because I was blessed with a terribly short memory. :)

  3. Oh dear, I'm laughing over here because that sounds exactly like something I would've done! ;)

  4. Oh goodness, that would probably never make want to talk on the phone again lol.

    I have embarrassing moments as well, but not sure I should share them hah.

  5. We do learn from those moments don't we.
    But at least you can laugh about it now.

  6. Lol, one thing about our past embarrassing moments is that we can laugh at them now , well most of them :)

  7. That is a great story. I have made a fool out of myself many times unfortunately.. We may need a longer thread for that conversation!

  8. What an embarrassing moment, oh my goodness. I would still cringe when thinking about it, too. However, it was funny to read, and now I feel a little sorry for laughing at your pain. But not sorry enough to stop.

  9. I try to forget my embarrassing moments, which is probably why I don't remember them. Amber N

  10. Sometimes my mouth does get me in trouble. One Christmas we went to my husband's Christmas party where I told his bosses wife how I couldn't believe they would have a family oriented Christmas party without having kid friendly food. I was being honest and was irritated BUT didn't know that the woman that I was voicing my opinion to happened to be the boss' wife. Once she heard my complaint, she ordered nuggets and french fries for each child which was just perfect:) She handled it well, but probably didn't see that coming.

  11. Brave brave woman! LOL I'd have to think about my most embarrassing moment. This could be a fun topic to cover.

  12. Wow you are brave for posting. Love looking back at these moments and getting a good laugh. Some of my moments have taken years for me to laugh at though.

  13. That's funny. I have some embarrassing moments but not due to the way I acted, due more to "wardrobe malfunctions",

  14. LOL! I Can't Stop Laughing I'm Sorry I Can't Post Mine I'm Too Embarrassed!! LOL!

  15. LOL.. that is funny. I am not brave enough to post mine.

    Michelle F.

  16. That is embarrassing! Most of mymost embarrassing moments were in my mid to late teens too.

  17. To me that is not embarrassing, it's cute and funny, no offense :) I've done worse than that but I'm happy I'm now in a better place and even if I go through embarrassing moments I don't even notice them anymore. The price of getting older I guess.

  18. I'm dying! I've so been there! Many an angry phone calls and then later ill fated texts have passed through my phone lol!

  19. I have totally done that same thing -- but I wound up marrying the guy I yelled at! We've been together for 20 years, but that one moment was torture for me.

    Glad you can look back and laugh and learn a few things from a horribly embarrassing moment

  20. LOL! I did a similar thing in high school!! :)

  21. I've learned to thankfully just pull back and vent to someone not involved when I am extremely pissed off. So I can get over it and see what the real issue is.

    I'm sorry that Trip was such a drip!!

  22. witty and tortured and cute hehe i like that. what is it with tortured guy that make girls what to save them. anyway, i really enjoyed reading your story. it was cute though. Doesn't sound so embarrassing, that was a sign I guess that you might get hurt if you continue that relationship. at least you able to vent all your anger, sorry for the best friend.

  23. Haha this is awesome -- not that it wasn't totally horrifyingly embarrassing at the time but now looking back its quite comical :-)

    I know I have had these moments in that past, your brave to share !

  24. Ugh! That is embarrassing, but what idiot lets you continue without handing the phone over or interrupting you? Found your post on the VA Bloggers link up...cheers!

  25. I'm a put my foot in my mouth kinda person and I do it way too much on social media (usually in private groups, thank goodness). I get ya!


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