

It's Been A Long Time

Before I start my real post, I just want to say happy engagement day to my husband. I love you. 

It was so, so, so sweet of Emily from Domestic Deadline to nominate me for this award. She asked about new blogs or those that didn't have a lot of followers, so I replied because even though I've been blogging forever (okay, since 2007) I don't have a lot of followers. Which I'd like to change, of course.

Anyway, I can't even remember the last time I did the whole award thing, but I think it's awesome that it's back and it's a great way to discover new blogs. This award is a little more challenging than the ones I remember from back in the day; you have to answer interview questions from the nominator, list 11 facts about yourself and nominate other blogs that are just getting started (or are small, in my case).

1. How long have you been blogging and why did you get started? I've been blogging since 2007, although I was a member of some online writing groups before that. I started because I loved to write and wanted to get over my fear of having other people read my work. 

2. What is one thing you wish you could do over?  Maybe start my blog knowing what I know now. :)

3. What is your favorite dessert? Probably a warm brownie with vanilla ice cream. But I'm happy with anything that involves chocolate. 

4. What is your favorite place in the world? I have so many places I love. I think as long as my family is with me and we're having fun together, any place is my favorite. 

5. Do you have a secret ingredient that you won’t share when you give out a recipe? I don't think I've ever given out a recipe. If I did, my secret would probably be that the recipe is really my husband's. 

6. What is your favorite color? Purple, green, black. . .it depends on whether we're talking about clothes or walls or flowers or. . . .You know what? I can love any color but orange. 

7. What is your favorite money saving tip? Buy ahead when it's on sale. When our favorite bread is on sale, I buy a bunch and store it in the freezer. I never run out and I never pay the full (over) price for it. 

8. Where would you go if you went on a dream vacation? I have a serious problem coming up with just one answer for anything. For me, it would be Italy and Greece. But for the family? Probably that Disney resort in Hawaii. 

9. What is your favorite thing to write about? Stuff that ticks me off. I love to vent. 

10. What was your favorite childhood toy and do you still have it? My dollhouses and yes, for the most part we still have them and all the furniture and dolls. Too bad none of my kids are really into them. 

11. What is one thing you do every single day? Eat? Sleep? Hug my kids? That's probably all I can be guaranteed to do every day. 

11 Random Facts About Me

1. Apparently I did do a get-to-know you meme in 2013
2. I hate coffee and its evil cousin, mocha.
3. I can read French but I can't speak it.
4. Besides New Jersey, I've lived in Boston, Portland, Seattle, and Kansas City.
5. I've never broken a bone.
6. I cannot keep plants alive.
7. I would much rather sing in the car than in the shower.
8. I would love to take tap lessons again.
9. I love talking about myself until someone asks me to talk about myself. Then I become self-conscious. Like I am about this post. 
10. My first crush was on Rick Springfield. 
11. The only kind of music I don't like is opera. 

My Nominees, not necessarily new bloggers but who definitely aren't getting the recognition they deserve: 

Any one of you who wants to be tagged: leave a comment with a link to your (smallish) blog and I'll nominate you! 

My Questions:

1. How long have you been blogging and why did you get started? 
2. If you could have a day to yourself, what would you do?
3. What's your favorite guilty pleasure TV show?
4. What is your goal for your blog?
5. Who was your first celebrity crush?
6. Who is your favorite author?
7. Where have you lived?
8. Gold or silver?
9. What's your favorite thing to drink?
10. The beach or the mountains?
11. What's your favorite vegetable?

The Rules:
  1. Thank the blog that presented you this award and link back to their blog. 
  2. Answer the questions asked by your nominator, give 11 random facts about yourself. List 11 questions for your nominees. 
  3. Nominate several blogs that you feel need the recognition that have fewer than 1000 followers. Contact the blogger to let them know they have been selected by email, commenting on a post, facebook, etc. 
  4. Upload the Leibster Award image to your blog. 


  1. Thank you! I'm going to get right on this :-)

  2. I loved reading this! Learning more about bloggers is always exciting for me <3

  3. it's always so nice to read these kind of stuff to get to know the blogger behind all the write ups. thanks for sharing.

  4. Oh my gosh! I remember the awards from back in '07 and '08! That was like the achievement of your blogging day if you got an award! LOL So neat to see them making a come back.

  5. You've pretty much lived everywhere in the states! I haven't broken a bone either. I aim to keep it that way. I also can't keep plants alive no matter how I try!

  6. You are so sweet! Thank you for including me.

  7. Congrats! It's always nice to be acknowledged by other bloggers, and I find it refreshing to learn more about my fellow bloggers.

  8. I totally think I would have done things differently back when I first started blogging if I knew then what I know now.

  9. Congratulations! and congrats to you and your husband on your engagement day.

    Michelle F.

  10. My first ever blogger award!! Thanks so much pretty lady! Here's your post:

  11. Congratulations, what a nice award!I think its nice to help out blogs with a few followers just like myself!

  12. congrats girl i haven't seen the liebster award in awhile or any blog awards for that matter. Great job.

  13. I have never broken a bone either but I LOVE coffee!

  14. I actually love some opera! The sadness can be quite chilling. Also, Happy Anniversary to the both of you!!

  15. It's always great to learn more about other bloggers! Thanks for sharing this, I will check out the other blogs you tagged.

  16. I completely agree with you. If I had known when I started my blog what I now know about blogging, things would have been much easier.

  17. Thanks for the nod yo. It's much appreciated. I hope to post with answers to your questions (because I do enjoy that get to know you sort of thing), but right now my words are on hold while I sort life out. Love you darling, and your words (even though I primarily lurk).

  18. Kuddos to you on your nomination. It is always nice to be recognized by your peers. Nice learning more about you too.

  19. That Disney resort in Hawaii looks so amazing! I think all my friends have been there lately as it keeps showing in my Facebook feed :)(Kim)

  20. i did a post like this for someone as well but I think I goofed as I didn't know how to do it right lol

  21. This is a great way to gain more readers. I will check this out! really a good idea.

  22. I love posts like this! You learn so much about the people behind the blog :) Thank you!

  23. Congratulations on your award, what a lovely way to get to know you a little more - I have to agree with the starting my blog again knowing what I know now lol x

  24. Congratulations, this is so fun! Loved reading this.

  25. Thanks for sharing this. I loved reading your answers. I also followed you on most of your social media networks.

  26. Thanks for sharing this. I loved reading your answers. I also followed you on most of your social media networks.

  27. This is a nice award because it is given to you by a peer who respects you and what you do.

  28. Congrats for your nomination.

  29. That is great that you were nominated - congrats on that. You have moved around a bit! I will have to go check out all the blogs that are nominated so I can find some new ones.

  30. You and I have quite a bit in common. I too love brownies with warm ice cream. Such a fun post, it's nice to get to know the person behind the blog a bit better.

  31. Congrats on the nomination!

  32. Congrats on your award. That is a lot of facts about you. Funny we like the same dessert. I used to get it at Red Lobster when it was called Fudge Overboard and share it with my dad.

  33. A Disney resort in Hawaii??? GAAH, that would be mine too. :)

    Happy engagement day to you and your hubby.

  34. Love those blogger awards!

  35. Congrats on the Liebster award! I got this last year & it was so neat learning about new bloggers this way :)

  36. Congratulations!! I also love singing int he car! ;)

  37. I live in New Jersey. What part of New Jersey did you live in?

  38. It is so nice that you still have your dollhouses from when you were growing up. I love these Liebster awards and learning more about the bloggers I read.

  39. It's nice to know more about you! I wish the best for your nomination!

  40. Love getting to know you a bit more!


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