

Happy 8th Birthday, Lovebug!

Kids grow up too fast.

Dear Lovebug,

     It seems like just yesterday you were that little boy in the picture above. But now you're an amazing 8 year old. 

Happy birthday!

In some ways you haven't changed much in the last year; you still love Legos and basketball more than anything. You are constantly drawing stories and creating worlds. You are still affectionate and beyond your years in math. In other ways, though, you've really evolved.

Three years ago you were terrified of the water. This year you asked to continue swimming lessons so you'd be more prepared for the swim team this summer. Two years ago you teared up when your behavior was corrected. Today you usually take corrections in stride. A year ago it was hard for you to make it through a full school day. Today you manage that, homework and activities easily. You've gone from struggling with handwriting to starting lovely cursive. You've turned into an avid reader.

And what you love to read is books that are funny. You have such a sense of humor, you love to make up funny stories - whether the humor is appropriate or not. You've made me laugh so many times. I love that you can see the silly side of life.

I feel so lucky that I get to be your mom. You are so kind to other kids and adore your brother and sister (when they're not getting on your nerves). You are so responsible about getting your homework done and remembering what you need for your activities. Whenever you play a sport, you work really hard during practices and games. Your focus amazes me.

                                                                                         I love you so much and I'm so proud to be
                                                                                                              Your Mom


  1. what a good idea to write a letter like that! I might just have to start that tradition!

  2. They grow up too fast! I too write letters, I think it is important to do! :)

  3. This is such a sweet greeting for your child - another idea is to save or print a copy of this post for yourself - frame it and keep it like on a treasure box so when your son gets more older and find this he will be reminded of the years how his mom made an effort and let the world knew about his bday.

  4. Happy, Happy Birthday to him!! They grow up way too fast, don't they? My oldest is going to be TEN in did that happen?

  5. What a cute idea, I hope he appreciates it when he gets older (and isn't too embarrassed about it). ;)

  6. Lovebug sure is a cutie and growing up so fast. Before you know it, he will be grown. Happy Birthday Lovebug!!

  7. Awwww, happy birthday! He's growing so big! My little guy turns 7 soon. Can't believe it.

  8. I think I may steal this idea! ;) Happy Birthday!!

  9. What a wonderful gesture, sharing!

  10. What a sweet idea for your son! make sure and print these to give to him one day.

  11. I really love this! It's so sweet! We just celebrated my little guy's 8th birthday as well!

  12. What a great idea! My oldest is ten but it's never to late to start! I have a one, three, and five year old too, so I definitely need to start. Happy birthday to your little man!

  13. Great idea to write a letter to your son. And I hope he had a wonderful day!

  14. Aw :) You should let him read this - he'd love it!

  15. What a sweet letter of love! You should print it out and tuck it in his memory box.

  16. Oh wow! He is such a cutie! They grow up so fast. happy birthday to him!

  17. This is such a sweet post! Happy birthday to him. :)

  18. Today is my teen's birthday! march seems to have been a good month! Happy Birthday to your little one.

  19. Your son is so cute! I feel bittersweet that my daughter will be 7 in two weeks! I still remember her as a big, blue eyed infant.

  20. Happy Birthday to your little man!! I love these kinds of posts! They're always so sweet!

  21. Happy Birthday. What a beautiful post, it is amazing how many changes can happen in such a short time. They grow up quickly.

  22. Wow, what a lovely tribute. Happy B-day!

  23. What a lovely letter, and a great thing for your son to look back on in years to come. Happy Birthday to him!

  24. Beautiful letter to your son! Time goes by so fast and they are grown before you know it!

  25. Happy birthday to your son. My youngest just turned 8 in February and he is still my baby.

  26. Happy Birthday to him!! Too cute. Kids grow up so fast! =( My son will be 6 years old next month!

  27. So Sweet! I have two boys and I can't wait for them to grow so I can see how they will become!

  28. What an adorable young man you have. I can just imagine my little 5-year old growing to be an 8-year old and that is not far. It is kind of bittersweet for us moms when our babies grow up fast and no longer little babies. Happy Birthday, young man!

  29. Happy Birthday to your little man. What a cutie!

    Michelle F.

  30. Happy Birthday to your son! They grow up so fast!

  31. Oh, how sweet! My son's almost 2. I can't even imagine him being 8, but I suppose it'll come sooner than I expect.

  32. What a sweet, heartfelt post. It is so great watching them grow and become adults. Both of my sons are through college and I loved every minute of their journey and look forward to watching them continue on.

    Happy Birthday to your son!

  33. It's funny how time flies.. :)

    Thanks for sharing.

  34. Time does seem like it flies doesn't it. I can't believe that my own daughter was just born it seemed like yesterday and now she's heading off to college in just a few short months. I'm going to miss her! Enjoy these years!

  35. This post poured so much joy into my heart. I love reading a mothers letter to her child. One if the sweetest thing ever.

  36. Aww, this is so sweet! Love the writing letter idea, seems like before you know it their grown. Happy Birthday to him!

  37. Happy birthday to your son! I'm sure in years to come he will love being able to read things like this and look back.

  38. Sounds like he's moving right along with things, and hurrah for it. Happy Birthday to your handsome son. :)

  39. I like that... good karma :)

    And this is beautiful to write your son a letter. I have 5 kids of my own but 6 all together. With my oldest I saved every single thing from her first year. I have yet to put it in a scrap book but it is all in one place lol. She is 10 now and wow has she changed and is growing up so fast.

  40. me all choked up. My little guy is just 15 months. I can't imagine what he'll be like at 8, but someday I'll be looking back at his picture :(

  41. What a sweet birthday letter! I can't believe how fast time flies by. My son will be 9 this year!

  42. Happy Birthday! They sure do grow up fast. Pretty soon he will be in the double digits!

    Your letter was beautiful!

  43. Awe! Happy Birthday to him! They grow up way to fast.

  44. How heartwarming. Mommies always love their kids unconditionally, and your post is practically brimming with that love.

  45. Happy 8th birthday toy our son. It's amazing how much our children change from year to year. Hope he enjoyed his special day.

  46. Happy Belated birthday to your young man. He sounds like an awesome little guy.

  47. How sweet. I'm sure one day he'll look back on these letters and appreciate how much you love him.

  48. Happy birthday to your little boy! My oldest son turns 7 in June. I can't figure out where the years have gone.

  49. Happy Birthday to your little guy. They sure do grow up so fast!!! Enjoy it now, before you know it they will be searching for college and moving out!! Can you tell I have a teenager? :(

  50. I too have an 8 year old and regret not writing her letters. I guess it's never too late to start.


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