
Friday I'm in Love: Tampa With Kids

Normally as the winter drags on into March, I don't care because I'm too busy planning our March/April trip to Florida. But this year, in addition to being one of the worst winters I can remember, we're not going to Florida.

I am trying not to be bitter.

In effort to stick with my "Friday I'm in Love" theme of being more f***ing positive, I have decided to share some of the fun things to do with kids in the Tampa area. And to try to be grateful that we've gotten to go for the last couple of years.

Kid on the beach.
This is my (now-local) brother-in-law's favorite beach. 

Not only does this park have an old fort, it also has some great beaches. 

Dolphin show in Florida.
This is the BEST aquarium. You can see Winter (the dolphin from the movie Dolphin Tale) and learn so much. Plus, it's way more ethical than Sea World. And it's right near Clearwater Beach!

This museum has a really fun children's play area as well. 

Anna Maria is closer to Bradenton, but it is my all-time favorite place in Florida. Beaches, restaurants, history and quaintness. 

We love aquariums. This one also has a cool kids' water play area. 

What are some of your favorite warm weather destinations? Help me daydream, please. 

Check out some other great posts at the Epic Linky Party:
The Seaman Mom