

Friday I'm in Love: Tampa With Kids

Normally as the winter drags on into March, I don't care because I'm too busy planning our March/April trip to Florida. But this year, in addition to being one of the worst winters I can remember, we're not going to Florida.

I am trying not to be bitter.

In effort to stick with my "Friday I'm in Love" theme of being more f***ing positive, I have decided to share some of the fun things to do with kids in the Tampa area. And to try to be grateful that we've gotten to go for the last couple of years.

Kid on the beach.
This is my (now-local) brother-in-law's favorite beach. 

Not only does this park have an old fort, it also has some great beaches. 

Dolphin show in Florida.
This is the BEST aquarium. You can see Winter (the dolphin from the movie Dolphin Tale) and learn so much. Plus, it's way more ethical than Sea World. And it's right near Clearwater Beach!

This museum has a really fun children's play area as well. 

Anna Maria is closer to Bradenton, but it is my all-time favorite place in Florida. Beaches, restaurants, history and quaintness. 

We love aquariums. This one also has a cool kids' water play area. 

What are some of your favorite warm weather destinations? Help me daydream, please. 

Check out some other great posts at the Epic Linky Party:
The Seaman Mom


  1. My boys love aquariums, too, but when we go to Florida, we just stick with Disney World for now.

  2. Living in the Tampa Bay area, there's so much to do, but one can always win with the Florida Aquarium. It's such a great place to go!

  3. We go to Florida more than we go anywhere else. I'd love to visit the aquarium!

  4. What about the pier in St. Pete? Or the Dali museum? Both super fun. And Bahama Breeze - best margaritas in town! I need a vacation, too!

  5. Warm weather cruises are our favorite. stop today at a beach, or hang out by the pool.

  6. I'm sorry that you don't get to go this year, but we are in the same boat. We purchased a resale home this year knew it was either the house or a family vacation. Disney would have been our destination.

  7. I live in the UK and it only feels like we have a few weeks of hot weather, So i'd love to go anywhere hot, but unfortunately we are only holidaying within the UK this year

  8. Not being able to go is hard, I'm sorry. It looks like you have had a lot of fun and maybe you will be able to go later this year. Happy Spring :)

  9. I have never really been to Florida, made a pit stop in the past on my way to GA. The pictures gave me a sense of excitement.

  10. Looks like a lot of fun! This is one of the areas that I would love to visit.

  11. Tampa is great. Wonderful beaches and great food!

  12. I have never been to Florida, but with the way this winter has been, I have been dreaming about it a lot1

  13. I love Florida. I miss it sometimes having lived there for 10 years. Great vacation photos. Looks like you all had a blast!

  14. Yes, I love taking my son to museums we have a great time!! Love it@

  15. I have never been to Florida, but hopefully one day I will. That aquarium looks like a lot of fun!

  16. Oh, the beach looks SO nice! It's 60 here today in Iowa, but the cold and snow is coming back as of tomorrow. :( My sister lives in Miami and I'm so jealous.

  17. Clearwater has been on our list for a while. It's where the Phillies play for Spring training, so I always think of it too late in the season to plan a getaway (we want to be there in March, someday.) and ever since falling in love with Dolphin Tale, my kids are begging to go even more. Glad you put together this travel guide.

  18. Great pics! Looks like you had a lot of fun!

  19. I love visiting Florida. My aunt and uncle live there, and it's great to see them AND be able to enjoy the nearby beaches.

  20. Oh I loved that movie "Dolphin Tale". How fun to live on the coast, or at least within driving distance from a beach. Kind of envious. ;)

  21. This all looks like a lot of fun!

  22. Lots Of Great & Fun Stuff To Do & See I Must Take The Family!

  23. Ok I live in FL and I'm only about 3 hours from Tampa but I have never heard of any of these places so thank you I now know of a few places to visit this summer that we haven't seen before. Thank you and i'm sorry you don't get to come down this year.

  24. Tampa looks really fun, wish I went while I was living in Miami.

  25. Awww it gotta rain sometimes we can akways be happy When the ceazy cold days ia over i hope everhthing will be ok and you van enjoy this same fun time in Tampa :)

  26. Looks Like You All Had A A Great Time Thank You For Sharing!!

  27. My daughter wants to go see Winter really badly! We don't get to travel much so we don't have a "winter destination" so to speak. But I dream of Hawaii and watch Hawaii Life on HGTV during these cold winter months lol

  28. I would have to say California or Arizona!

  29. I would love to take my girls to the aquarium there! They loved the movie Dolphin Tale!

  30. I've never been to that area of Florida but would love to go sometime.

  31. Being that I live in Central Florida, I think your list is awesome!!!

  32. Oh what a beautiful area that is! I haven't been to Tampa in a long, long time, but I'd love to go!

  33. What a fun day for you guys! I love taking my kids to places like this. It's a blast for everyone

  34. what can I say we offer a lot in Florida! LOL! Can you tell I am a native Floridian? Anna Marie is beautiful, one of the prettiest beaches !

  35. How exciting for me to read this post. My husband's job may be transferring us to Bradenton, and I will need things to occupy my children's time! My husband likes Santa Maria Island as well. Said I will love it once we get there!

  36. So many things to do to have fun in Florida. I love that place, I've spent such a good time over there but like you, no chance to go there soon :(
    Thanks so much for sharing the linky, you rock! :)

  37. Anywhere with a beautiful beach sounds perfect to me! We're not taking our usual summer vacation this year so I'll have to dream about it for next year!

  38. That looks like so much fun! My kids would love it. Too bad we live in the Midwest.

  39. I love aquariums and beaches too. I'm sorry to read that you are not going to FL this spring - it really has been a blah winter. I hear that we're supposed to get more snow on Tuesday and am just in denial about that even being possible. Here's to warm weather and sunshine - SOON.

  40. I am sorry to hear about your trip. I have not had a nice vacation in so long. When it's warm I like hitting the park or sitting next to the river.

  41. Looks like so much fun! and so makes me want to pack up and go to Florida! I hear you on the winter. I'm not sure where you are, but I'm in NC, and I am definitely not used to snow and ice at the end of March...

  42. That looks like so much fun. I'm about 50miles from Tampa right now - I'm thinking about driving down.

  43. The one time we went on vacation it was just my sister, my son and I. My hubby is not big on going to the USA. We got to go to Florida but I remember the year we went it was windy and almost no sun for the whole week while everyone in Montreal was having +20 weather. LOL

  44. must be a super fun experience being in that sunny side of the US. a perfect winter getaway. looking at the pictures makes me want to live in that area. i hate winter, snow, ice, frost and all their cold friends and relatives hehee

  45. I have never been to Tampa. I really wish I had a nice sunny beach nearby!

  46. That's a bummer not being able to go to Florida. Winter just needs to leave already & let spring take its course!

  47. Aw, I'm sorry you're not going to be making the trip this year. It looks like you have lots of great memories from previous years to maybe kind of hold you over?

  48. My kids would love the aquarium. My son is doing the Apologia Swimming Creatures curriculum and loves things like this. I could use a trip to a beach right now.

  49. Oh for fun. The aquarium looks so fun. Love the photos.

  50. Awesome pictures! I can't wait til we get our warm weather back. You're making me miss Sanibel Island, FL!


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