

Friday I'm in Love: Posts I Loved This Week

Great bloggers.

Marta shared the isolation she felt as a new mother, which is the kind of honest I love.

Tia's plan for Lent has really inspired me, and I don't even do the whole Lent thing.

Aunt Becky visits the water park, it's very rare that Becky doesn't make me laugh out loud.

Masshole Mommy makes me miss living in Boston, plus she has one of my favorite blog names.

I want to make this bell pepper salad bowl, even though I don't ever cook.

Trace's Adventures in Dating reminded me what dating was like, and why I never miss it.

Read this letter at Moms Vacation Land if you want to say, "Awwww."

What's the best post you've read this week?


  1. awww THANK YOU! Honestly, I have been so surprised that the post resonated so much with people. It was one of those that I was afraid to press "publish" on because it was so honest, but I'm really glad I did!

  2. Thanks for the link! I love that pepper salad bowl. What an original idea.

  3. I like this idea! I'm actually doing something similar or 2 of my blogs. One is very similar. LOL

  4. Awww, shucks - I think I can officially say that you post is my favorite of the week <3

  5. I am very open on my blog, I get a lot of positive feed back about it because people appreciate real people writing.

  6. This is a really great post! And, who doesn't love Masshole Mommy's blog name- or her site for that matter! I think I should do a round up like this once in a while! Thanks!

  7. What a neat post. I may have to steal this idea for a future post.

  8. I read a great post about ice cream made with only two ingredients. Going to try it this weekend!

  9. Thanks for sharing these posts! I will be using that bell pepper salad bowl idea!

  10. I loved this post. It was so inspiring and uplifting! My favorite blog this week (aside from yours!) has been No Zombies Aloud.

  11. I love this post! Pimping out other blogs! I love it!

  12. What a great way to support other bloggers! I love how you did it to instead of just the typical- hey here are blogs go look at them lol.

  13. I agree with you, the dating scene is tough and I'm glad I don't have to worry about that anymore.

  14. What a great post love all the links. My favourite was the dating. Brought back memories for sure.

  15. There's been so many great posts I've read this week. It's hard to narrow down to one.

  16. I love hopping around and reading other blog posts. There are so many great ones out there and each offers something new or special.

  17. Thanks for sharing some of your favorite posts. Masshole Mommy is one that I read a lot of as well and she can be funny to boot at times. :)

  18. I love that you've showcased some of your faves. That's a cool blog tradition to hold. :)

  19. There were too many good posts to pick one good one, there were many that had things that I needed/appreciated. I am glad you found many that you loved.

  20. Thanks so much for the great reads, I have discovered some new blogs.

  21. I love these posts - some of them ring really true, especially the one about the isolation I felt as a new Mom. I'm very glad those days are gone for now.

  22. This is such a great roundup of posts. I am heading to go and check them out now.

  23. I really like the adventures in dating post. I read that one this week too!

  24. I love roundup type posts like this because then I can see other people's work that I'm not already following! Thanks again!

  25. Thank you for sharing these! Going to check out any I may have missed this week!

  26. That is a great list of blog you have mentioned. I liked the one with the bell pepper salad bowl. Very creative.

  27. I've been swamped this week and haven't had a chance to read many posts. Your roundup is awesome, I like that you took the time to read other blogs and then recommend them to others.

  28. I love your list of posts. Thank you so much for sharing. I haven't had much time to read many posts - I will need to check some of these posts out.

  29. I love those posts. A great bunch of writers!

  30. Thanks again for sharing... I loved the selections and they were a great read. ;-)

  31. This is a great list! I've read so many posts this week...I don't know if I could narrow it down or not, honestly!

  32. Real life posts are the most meaningful ones. thanks for sharing.


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