
An Open Letter to Dove, From A Jersey Girl

Dear Dove,

I have never had a problem with your company or its products. I loved your real women advertising campaign and I think it's great that you want women to love their armpits, and the rest of their bodies. I agree with you, even.

However, that doesn't mean I'm going to be okay with you calling my home state the "armpit of the nation". It's never been intended as a compliment and just because you want women to love their armpits, it doesn't undo the stigma of "armpit". Or should I say the stench?

There are some terribly ugly parts of New Jersey, I'll grant you. Of course, having also lived in Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington, Kansas and Missouri, I can tell you that there are some terribly ugly parts of most states.

There are also some gorgeous parts of the state. As you well know, considering your headquarters are located near some of them.




I can only imagine you're trying to appeal to middle America, or New Yorkers, by making fun of New Jersey.

Dove, have you ever seen The Sopranos?

I'm just saying that you might not want to piss off a certain small proportion of the 8 million people in New Jersey. Also, it was great show, despite not featuring the most attractive parts of our state. If you'd like to retaliate by discussing Jersey Shore, let me remind you that neither the cast nor the production company nor the creator is actually from New Jersey.

You know who IS from New Jersey?

 Bruce Springsteen. Bon Jovi. Judy Blume.  Debbie Harry. James Fenimore Cooper.  Whitney Houston. Paul Robeson.  Frank Sinatra. Abbott AND Costello.  Les Paul. Danny Devito. Peter Dinklage (Tyrion on Game of Thrones). Martha Stewart. Queen Latifah. James Gandolfini. Janeane Garofalo. Savion Glover.  Paul Simon. Jack Nicholson. Chelsea Handler.  Patti Smith. Kelly Ripa.  The Smithereens. Kevin Smith. Kevin Spacey. Jon Stewart. Buzz Aldrin. Carl Sagan.

That's a sampling, Dove. There's an entire website devoted to famous people from New Jersey. Does the above list scream "armpit" to you? Really?

Normally a company has to do something really egregious before I'll write them off. Like Walmart not paying it's full-time workers enough to live on, or Hobby Lobby refusing its workers birth control but allowing Viagra. Normally I just snort when people make fun of New Jersey, because I know that we're the only state with real pizza and I should pity people who didn't grow up here.

But, you know, we didn't really get credit for having the Super Bowl this year. Absolutely NONE of it was in New York, but you couldn't tell that from the coverage. Also, our governor keeps doing embarrassing stuff and the Nets bailed on us and moved to Brooklyn, then boldly and awesomely signed Jason Collins.

So I'm a little sensitive. Also, since your headquarters are here, I imagine that you are eating our awesome pizza WHILE you are insulting us, and that's just not cool at all.

Why don't you follow the Nets and move to Brooklyn? Not that it matters to me, because I won't be buying your products again.

                                                                                                Yours in disappointment,

PS Please apologize during the #JerseyIs discussion on Twitter tonight at 9pm. Thanks. Start with Beth Keklak from Life in the Bat Cave.


Masshole Mommy said...

I will admit the only time I have been to NJ is to drive though it & it did smell the entire time we drove down the Jersey Turnpike....but I am sure that doesn't reflect the entire state. Maybe they meant because of the location of your state?

Eat To Live said...

I go to New Jersey at least 2 times a year... sometimes even more. New Jersey is a beautiful state, as is most of our United States.

I hope you get your apology from Dove, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Yona Williams said...

Oh wow...I LOVE your post, and I learned a lot about NJ in the process. I've visited many times and prefer to stay in the Secaucus/East Rutherford area when I visit NYC. I also love jumping in the waves when visiting Atlantic City. Very cool about all of the famous New Jerseyeans.

Also, I heard about the Hobby Lobby controversy refusing its workers birth control but had no clue that they were allowing Viagra (even worse than I thought.)

Unknown said...

Pretty rough for a big brand that embraces all women to say something like that to a USA state! Thank you for drawing attention to this and how beautifully New Jersey is!

Anonymous said...

Great photography, I must share that I never seen this side of Jersey. Great post thank you.

Mom of Two said...

Those are beautiful pictures. I have never been there.

Ashley Gill said...

I've never been to Jersey but I SO want to go to see the beaches there! I hear they are beautiful!

renblogger said...

GOOD FOR YOU! I live in an "armpit" city of my state and I love it here. Good for you, posting the beauty of where you live!

Amanda Ripsam said...

I have not been any where but Michigan or Ontario have you seen the slums in Detroit with it's houses that are ruined down on one side and the other side looks like wall street? I think Detroit is an arm pit lol with it's bankruptcy. However there's beauty in Detroit even.

Alicia Owen said...

Wow, we don't have tv, so I'm not sure what your post is in reference to, but sounds like some poor advertising on Dove's part.

krystal said...

Those photographs are beautiful. I love it!

Mommy K said...

I clicked on your link leading to NJ.com...Now, I understand what you mean about Dove's ad. I think it isn't cool. They thought it was cool and would make people from NJ proud to be called that way. But they should have thought well about it before putting it up on a billboard.

Angie - Big Bears Wife said...

I've never been to NJ but I have some friends from there and they all seem to love it! It can't be so bad!

Casa Vilora Interiors said...

I saw that ad for the first time this weekend and I wasn't that impressed with it. I happen to love my armpits and treat it like the rest of my body. That was quite rude of them to imply that NJ is the armpit of America. You tell them!

Dawn @ Pin-n-Tell said...

Why a company would compare any locality to an armpit is just ridiculous. My hubby and I have this thing when commercials come on... fired/hired, LOL. And, this commercial would get a FIRED from us lol :) So many commercials are of poor quality, UGH!

Rebecca said...

I've never been to New Jersey but these pictures make me want to.

Ashley B. said...

Yikes! Tsk tsk Dove. I actually hadn't heard about this before I read your post.

jaime said...

I've been to New Jersey many times in my life and never thought of it as the armpit of America. Sounds like a really poorly executed marketing strategy. Hope they apologize.

GayNYCDad said...

I don;t know hoe Jersey got a bad rap, but it is the #1 place where I want to move and buy a house. My husband however controls the purse strings wand wants to stay in Manhattan which would leave his commute short. But I would move to your home state in a minute!

Kathryn said...

Like Alicia I haven't seen the campaign in question but I definitely don't like picking on anyone or anyplace! I haven't been to New Jersey but it is on the list.

Liz Mays said...

I lived there for a while and there's definitely a difference in certain parts of the state, but I'm sure every state has distinctly armpit areas. I think they were trying to be cheeky, but perhaps missed the mark by offending their home state residents.

Tracey said...

Awesome post. I loved how you brought seriousness but also humour to the letter. I don't think any city deserves to be the butt of a joke. It's special to those who live there and call it home.

JC said...

Now why would a company say that about an entire state? wow, that's really bad PR on their part. I hope it wasn't part of a marketing campaign. I'm glad you are standing up for what you believe in because they should know better. I live in NJ even though I'm from CA. They need to issue an apology soon.

mail4rosey said...

I saw an Anthony Bourdain show once on New Jersey and it piqued my interest. I'd love to visit.

I'm sorry it got a bad reference from a major company. :(

ReviewsSheRote said...

I've only been to NJ once and the spot I was in Thomas Edison National Historical Park, was beautiful--KUDOs for sticking up for your state.

Unknown said...

Strange move on their part calling New Jersey the "armpit of the nation". No matter how I try to make it sound like a good thing, all I can see (smell) is hairy pits and that's not a pretty sight!

Emily Stephens said...

Like every state, New Jersey does have nice areas. Why on earth would Dove be so insensitive?!

Anonymous said...

Goodness! I think this was quite the mistake on Dove's part, for sure!

Jaredamy said...

The only three times we drove through Jersey it was not a good experience. I dont think Dove should have called out the state as an "armpit", but it did reek!

Aimee Smith said...

Way to stick up for your home state! Every state in our nation has beautiful and not so beautiful parts to it!

Pam said...

I have only briefly been to New Jersey on my way to New York. I think Dove was out of line calling it the "armpit".

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. I have never been there but it looks beautiful.

Aisha Kristine Chong said...

I've never been there so I wouldn't really know which is which.. anyway, I love the 3rd photo - I am so drawn to its nature.

BrettBMartin said...

I can't wait to hear if there is any reply to this!! I've heard New England is the armpit of the USA. Hmm.

Unknown said...

I've never been to NJ. But I love your photos of the great parts. I think every state has their own "armpit" locations and they all have their amazing attractions. It's just how things go. I didn't know DOVE was dissing on NJ. That's a little sad.

Anonymous said...

Good for you for standing up for your state!

Michelle F.

Sarah Bailey said...

It looks as though you really have some beautiful spots - good on you for standing up for your home - lets hope Dove listen :) x

TerinAleah said...

You forgot the cast of Jersey Shore! Ha! Okay, maybe that contradicts the point you were trying to make, lol. Seriously though, that is pretty darn rude of Dove! :(

Unknown said...

Way to tell them! I've only briefly been to Jersey so I didn't see enough to form an opinion either way. Your pictures are beautiful though. Definitely not an armpit area!

Pauline Cabrera said...

There is really good and bad about every state and no one is exempted. However, I would say that if anyone is being criticized, just take it as a challenge. On the other hand, I would say that Dove should have been more sensitive with their ads.

Susanna Barbee said...

Great post! You go girl for supporting your home state. I've been there and love it. Also, the Garden State soundtrack is totally my favorite.

Tough Cookie Mommy said...

I don't think it is nice to put down any place or where people are from. They were probably trying to be funny but it didn't work out.

Unknown said...

I had not heard anything about this ad until your post. But being from the Tennessee and living in Alabama for years, I am used to a lot of rude, inconsiderate and uneducated comments. SO I can understand your aggravation completely.

James, Davis, and Associates Test said...

I had not heard about this ad campaign. I live in a state that neighbors New Jersey so I can understand why you felt the need to defend your home state. Good for you!

Kero Pinkihan said...

We will be in New York for spring and your photos make me want to go on a daytrip to New Jersey!

Great thing to know those famous people.

Theresa Mahoney said...

Instead of Jersey, they should have been talking about Gary, Indiana. Yes, that's where Michael Jackson hailed from, but everyone knows that town stinks. Every time we drive through my kids ask "What's that smell!?" Just Gary, IN kids.

Unknown said...

I lived in Jersey for 7 yrs. Everyplace I saw was beautiful (I'm even gonna say it was beautiful when it snowed, and everyone knows that's why I moved OUT of Jersey and down to Texas - because I hate the snow). Refresh my memory, (a little sarcasm here) but don't the license plates even say 'The Garden State'?? Smelly armit? No, I don't think so.

Jinxy and Me said...

I lived in Jersey for 15 years and I agree it is an awesome state. Sure, there are parts that are armpits, but EVERY state has parts that are like that. I think the biggest problem is that for many people the only part of Jersey they see is flying in to EWR and then driving somewhere else, never even leaving the Turnpike. At that point you are passing Elizabeth, a super industrial area, which has oil refineries that really DO STINK! There are many gorgeous parts of Jersey and hands down Jersey has the best food in the nation. Not only the only truly awesome pizza, but also the only truly awesome bagels. I could list a dozen other foods that can't be beat outside of Jersey!

Jenni E. said...

I've never been to NJ but it does look like a gorgeous state. I agree every state has an "armpit" but to call an entire state an armpit is a different thing altogether.

Pam said...

I haven't heard about this controversy with Dove and New Jersey but I will have to read up on it. I spent some time in New Jersey about 10 years ago at Rutgers in a fellowship program. I loved the state!

Lolo @ Crazy About My Baybah said...

I went to a wedding at the Brownstone in NJ. It was amazing and beautiful!

Cheap Is The *New* Classy said...

Bon Jovi is enough reason to move to Jersey for me! And Martha Stewart {remember her disdain for bloggers?} is enough for me to leave. :)

Unknown said...

Great post.I have never been to Jersey unfortunately but i would love to visit.

Unknown said...

I actually stayed in NJ a few times and LOVED it! I am sure every state has an area that's not so glamorous ...heck every city for that matter.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

I am from NJ and I totally agree with you. I lived in my home state for 20 of the best years and to call it dirty, is crazy.

Jenn @TheRebelChick said...

I've never been to New Jersey but that's pretty rude of a brand to make fun on a state - especially since their headquarters are located there! That's just weird and crazy!

Unknown said...

Yu know, I have seen that commercial but never paid attention to it. lol Ill have to listen more to its reference to NJ.

Anonymous said...

I guess I haven't witnessed this yet ... will have to look at what you are talking about with Dove. Sorry that stinks that they did this.

Unknown said...

To be honest, I've never been outside of the midwest. I would love to travel more, and NJ IS on my Bucket List, but I have to graduate College first!

BabsProjects said...

I am pretty sure every state have their share of armpits but to focus only on New Jersey is not cool. I am living in this state for last 17 years and it is beautiful. The township I live in, is fabulous and so picturesque. I don't understand why NJ keeps getting a bad rap.

Melanie Payne said...

I've been to Jersey a few times . I was born in NY. It's beautiful on the east and I so miss it!

Amanda said...

Whoa...what did I miss here? I have not seem the ad by Dove yet, but you better believe I'm looking it up now. Jersey is beautiful and I would never think anything different.

Megan Chamberlin said...

I can definitely appreciate your standing up for your state - my BFF is from Jersey as well. Only have one point to argue with you in your awesome letter - CHICAGO PIZZA IS BETTER!!! :D

Eliz Frank said...

I'm with you on this one.... I live in NY and even I am tired of all that NJ bashing. My best friend lives in NJ and they have the best shopping with little or no clothing tax. I hope Dove retracts the silly joke. :-)

A Mom's Take said...

I hadn't even heard their comment! Jersey looks beautiful, to me!

Shell said...

You would think that with how sensitive Dove is to depicting real beauty and not alienating people, they would have realized this was an offensive comment. I hadn't heard this statement before.

APPI said...

It's never a good marketing campaign to insult someone. NJ has a sizable population and they stand to lose a lot of customers like this. It's appalling they would even adopt that campaign. Clearly no one was paying enough attention.

Tatanisha Worthey said...

I had no idea that your state was called the armpit State by Dove-- that's crazy. I did enjoy reading your post tho and appreciate your openness and honesty about it. So did they apologize tonight on twitter?

Unknown said...

That's an awful lot of people to make unhappy with a commercial! I haven't ever been to NJ, but like any other state , I'm sure it has it's good areas and bad. -April

MommyB said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos and pride for your state. I think with any generalization that companies make it is what it is, then again I don't get offended easily but bringing awareness to how beautiful your state is would be a great idea to inform people about how awesome NJ is.

Ashley Wintters said...

Honestly, I've never been, but looking at your photos it looks lovely!

Paige Nicole said...

um that's rude of Dove! I don't blame you for being mad at all!

Christina Shirley said...

I assumed it was in reference to the location of Jersey, but I'd still be offended I'm sure.

Unknown said...

I live in Florida now but I'm a New Yorker and I've definitely made my share of NJ jokes but your article will make me think twice before doing it again.