

Weighty Wednesday: Suck It

I did not grow up drinking water. I mean, I must have had some on occasion, but it wasn't a regular thing. I had to have orange juice for breakfast and milk for dinner, which was fine, but the rest of the time I drank soda. It didn't even matter to me whether it was Coke or ginger ale or my mom's Tab, just as long as it wasn't that "tasteless" water.

I remember going jogging in college and then picking up a fountain Diet Pepsi from the student union to "rehydrate". That's how strong my disdain for water was. It wasn't until I first started experiencing hang overs in my late 20's that I actually drank water on purpose. And even then it was mainly to prevent a hangover   - I would down a glass like medicine, then sip my soda (and then pass out).

It was being pregnant with Ironflower - who, coincidentally, loves water - that got me to actually like water. For some reason it was the only thing that quelled my first trimester nausea. Plus, having cut way back on the soda, I had to drink something.

So the fact that I'm writing a "Drink Water!" post on the internet is a little bit ridiculous.

But really, the fact that I'm talking about weight on the internet at all is a bit ridiculous. So I'm just going to say it:

If you want to lose (or maintain) weight, drink more water.

If you're not impressed with the scientific studies in the above link, read a "women's magazine" story about a woman losing a lot of weight and keeping it off. Nine times out of ten*, she'll talk about how much water she drinks. Or you could also look up almost any diet plan out there, from a sane one like Weight Watchers to a crazy juice fast, and you'll see a water intake recommendation.

I thought the water thing was bullshit until I tried to lose weight after having Ironflower. Weeks I was good about my water intake, I lost baby weight. Weeks I wasn't, I didn't lose any weight.

That's still true today. If I want to lose weight, I have to suck it.

I mean water.


I find it easier to drink more water if I am sucking it through a straw or bite valve or sports top. Possibly because I am terribly uncoordinated when I drink it out of a glass and always wind up spilling it on my shirt. But also because I think it tastes better that way.

I never claimed I made sense.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't drink more water.

*Not an actual statistic.


  1. I don't love water, but there are lots of calorie free flavored things you can add to it to make it go down a little easier.

  2. Water is definitely a key to weight loss as well as optimal health. I think many people are starved for water and don't realize it. I grew up on Dr. Pepper and sweet tea and had a similar aversion to water. Like you, pregnancy cured that. It was so weird. When I got pregnant I could no longer stand the taste of soda. Of course, no longer pregnant I often revert back to it like the addict I became. I will not be defeated ! Soda beware!

  3. I always gave up soda when I was pregnant, but when I am stressed it becomes my best friend again :( I am like you and always drink from a cup with a straw, but those bite valve bottles - I have a love hate relationship with them. If you do not get the bottom piece of the straw in just right on mine - you get nothing from it and I can not get the thing in. I always need my husband to do it, not sure why.

  4. I always gave up soda when I was pregnant, but when I am stressed it becomes my best friend again :( I am like you and always drink from a cup with a straw, but those bite valve bottles - I have a love hate relationship with them. If you do not get the bottom piece of the straw in just right on mine - you get nothing from it and I can not get the thing in. I always need my husband to do it, not sure why.

  5. I grew up drinking ice cold water from our spring house. I still drink lots of water today. It is what helps keep me well.

  6. Diet Pepsi used to be my addiction. That was 6 months ago. Every once in awhile I will have a sip of Diet Pepsi, but other than that I drink only water now.

  7. I agree with you. I am an apple juice girl but I recently started on water. The only way I will drink it, is if I have a straw.

  8. I agree with you. I am an apple juice girl but I recently started on water. The only way I will drink it, is if I have a straw.

  9. Thanks for the reminder that I haven't had enough water today! Off to get some....

  10. I have a Love/Hate relationship with Water as well. I honestly would prefer a glass of fountain pop over water any day. But Being Pregnant, I have done my best to increase my water intake...

  11. I like water. I drink quite a bit of it. You're right though, if it's ice cold, there is something that makes it coming out of a straw even tastier. :)

  12. I put down the Mt. Dew 6 months ago and feel so much better drinking nothing but water. Plus, have lost almost 40 pounds!! It is amazing what one little change can do for your body and mood.

  13. I have hit a plateau in my weightloss and KNOW that more water would help me over the hump. I just have such a hard time not drinking coffee and Diet Coke. I've given up so much to lose my weight that it's hard to give up the 2 things keeping me sane lol.

  14. I started adding fruit to my water. If I add lemon it works well, I also for fun add some sparkling water to get the soda feeling.

  15. I once read that each day you should drink one ounce of water for every pound that you weigh. I'm not sure how much truth there is to that, but I aim to drink at least that amount daily. On the days that I drink a lot of water, I feel better.

  16. Pretty much! This is why when I'm hungry, I just gulp water down.

  17. I don't love water, but I sure do make myself drink it! Gotta stay hydrated!

  18. I'm totally working on that now. I'm really good in the evening about it, but during the day not so much. I'm getting there though!

  19. I don't think I used to 'hate' water...I just never thought to drink it - unless it was sweltering hot outside. I was always a diet, lemonade, or coffee/iced tea drinker. Once I made the switch to water - which was extremely hard to do because the taste was so 'blah' to me, I found my skin looked more alive, my bowel movements (sorry) were much easier/regular, and I lost weight!! Now it comes as second nature to "Suck It", but it was definitely a challenge at first!! (and I still love my coffee & tea)

  20. Drinking water for me is a conscious effort. I don't enjoy it and only do it because I have to.

  21. I definitely do not drink much water, which is part of the reason I get such bad headaches. I have always been a soda drinker. I guess I really need to start drinking more water. I think it's also easier when I drink it out of a straw, but with ice and a lemon to garnish it.

  22. I should drink a lot more water than I do, but I just can't keep away from my Diet Mt. Dews.

  23. Another idea is after every bite, you have a sip of water. It helps you feel fuller by filling you up, but also slowing you down, so you don't over eat.

  24. I'm glad I'm not alone in my weird disdain for water! I try to drink it as much as possible but just don't really like it all that much.

  25. I actually love water but tend to want something else with my meals. But I will drink water in between.

    I grew up drinking orange juice, milk and water. Soda was a rare treat.

  26. I don't remember being told to drink water as a child, either. Recently, my Dad told em that he hates water so that is probably why he didn't make us. I make my kids do it though and I try to drink a lot of it myself. You actually start to like it after a bit! Get a filter pitcher~ the water tastes better!

  27. Water Is Sooo Good For You In Many Ways My Mom Always Taught Me That! I Even Bring Water To Bed With Me At Night!1

  28. I have such a bad habit of drinking soda but I know how important water is to drink. I am going to try very hard!

  29. I gave up soda two years ago when my doc said I needed to change my diet. Im so glad I switched to water-I lost ten pounds because of just that switch!

  30. I love a glass of water! I used to drink so much soda while growing up but now that I am an adult, water is my drink of choice!

  31. I bring a bottle of water to work every day. I'm trying to lose weight and it is definitely helping.

  32. Thanks for the reminder, I don't drink a lot of water but should do. I drink flavored water.

  33. I am really trying to become a bigger fan of water, it's just not happening. I can drink it with lemon or something in it though.

  34. I've never been a big water drinker either but I am learning the importance of drinking a lot of water now.

  35. When I was a kid I was addicted to Iced Tea. It was my breakfast, lunch and dinner. For me, they were my 8-10 glasses of water per day.

  36. Water is so important. I drink a lot of water. I like lemon in mine.

  37. So funny - I just did a day of drinking only water all day in preparation for a diet I'm starting Monday (really!). I wanted to cleanse my body and it felt great! Thanks for your encouraging post! (Btw, I love your tag line! So true!)


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