
The Preschool Valentine's Day Performance: A Critique

While I am related to one of the performers in this piece, I promise you, my review is completely unbiased. This critic would never let her feelings for her child and his classmates color her perception in any way.

Prior to the performance, this critic talked to one of the artists. Here is what he had to say:

"This is going to be the best show ever, Mom! You are going to love it!"

Pretty heady words coming from someone who had never performed in front of an audience before.* Could the show live up to the hype? In the words of one sibling person who got to see the dress rehearsal, "They are really cute."

 After a brief introduction, the show got underway only a few minutes late. The venue was packed, with a number of latecomers needing to stand in the back. But despite its small size, the classroom theater was well-appointed, with plenty of festive decorations.

Excitement was in the air as the performers filed in to the tune of, "Yankee Doodle Dandy." Their voices were the perfect level for the small venue, though there was some faltering as they assembled themselves on the risers. Still, it was an enthusiastic and bold opening. One doesn't normally associate "Yankee Doodle Dandy" with Valentine's Day.

Our photographer would like to apologize for the blurriness. And the fact that this is the only performer who would sign a release. 

Next up was The Pledge of Allegiance. The performers nailed their lines in this segment. Too bad not all of them managed to use their right hands to cover their hearts. But this critic has seen plenty of adults at sporting events have the same problem during the national anthem, but with less grasp of the words. 

The song about Groundhog Day was followed by a delightful scene where one performer interviewed all the other performers about their feelings on six more weeks of winter. Answers varied, as did enthusiasm levels. But no one ran off the stage crying or refused to answer. In fact, all the performers were engaged throughout the entire show. Having seen many of them participate in soccer games last fall, I can assure you that this was an amazing feat. The producers and the directors of the show are to be commended. 

The part that touched this critic especially was during the song about love, during which each child brought a specially made Valentine to his or her mother. It was beautiful to see the mixture of pride and love on all the faces in the room, which I suspect is what the show creators were aiming for. 

Another highlight was the song, "Forever Friends". Not only was it the most upbeat, it featured the performers using inflatable guitars. Hand gestures can be cute choreography, but nothing beats a bunch of kids with guitars almost as big as they are. 

The Preschool Valentine's Day Performance was not the best show ever if you compare it to Wicked or a Bruce Springsteen concert. But compared to other preschool performances, it just might be. Unfortunately, it was in limited run so you can no longer get tickets. Hopefully they'll bring it back as a revival for their kindergarten concert. And the performer was completely right about one thing: I totally loved it. 

*The performed had participated in a couple of programs at his old preschool, but he just stood still during them, like a deer caught in headlights.


StephLove said...

Maybe they were going for a Presidents' Day angle with the patriotic songs. As Groundhog's Day was included too, maybe the whole thing was a salute to February.

I'm glad you got to see your little star shine.

Tracie Nall said...

I'm impressed that all the kids participated,and none of them ran off stage screaming. That is no small accomplishment for the age group you were watching.

I am a little confused about the Yankee Doodle thing, though.

I'm sure the highlighted preformer in this piece was the best one on stage!!

Liz Mays said...

Awwww, you wrote this so cute! It's no wonder this particular performance was a home run of a show with a star like that in it!

Eat To Live said...

How cute!! I love that they are teaching the kids the Pledge of Allegiance as well as other things so many schools forget.
Hahahahahha... bet the Forever Friends song was adoreable with the oversized guitars.

Emily Stephens said...

I love watching little ones perform. It's so fun to see them in a different setting.

Taty said...

so wonderful that you got to enjoy the best show of the year!!!
how very sweet
He looks so happy to participate!

cheers proud mama~

MikiHope said...

No matter what-when little ones preform-they are always adorable! I sat through many when my friends son was in school--it was always the youngest group who stole everyone's heart!

Unknown said...

How cute thanks for sharing this that would of been funny and cute to see the inflatable guitars.

Unknown said...

It's great to hear that they are reciting the pledge of allegiance. This doesn't happen in all schools anymore. This is so cute!

Unknown said...

Oh that is such a cute "review" of his Valentine's day performance. Our school didn't do anything special except the exchanging of valentines. No program this year. I sort of miss it.

mail4rosey said...

Aww, I feel like I saw the program too, lol. I love when the kids put on the shows, and they do have that great happy/proud look on their faces. :)

Masshole Mommy said...

I'm confused - the photographer could only take pictures of kids whose parents signed a release?

Ronnie said...

oh hahaha great review. How many stars would you give this pre-school show? I may have to go to the next one if it's that great. I mean, I loved Wicked but if this is slightly under that level, I'm game!

Tough Cookie Mommy said...

I know what you mean because I have attended my share of shows at my sons' schools.

Angie - Big Bears Wife said...

Awww your little performer is adorable!! *claps* a round of applause!

Pam said...

I love how you wrote this! Your little performer is too cute.

Beth said...

Your little guy is too cute! I didn't even think about going to a VDay performance.

Amber Nelson said...

That is so cute! I love it. Thanks for sharing.

Sarah Bailey said...

What a cute show to do - sounds like your little one was so excited and proud about it all as well :) x

Annemarie Leblanc said...

How adorable. Your son is so cute. A nice idea to have done this show.

Ashley Wintters said...

Awww! How cute. It is amazing that they got all of them to perform.

ANNIE M said...

I was mortified when performing as a kid. Kudos to all the kids for getting through it like champs :)

Amanda said...

Super cute! Congrats on such a great performance!!

FabulousPerks said...

This is so adorable! I can't wait for those days I get to watch my little one perform.

Pam said...

What an adorable post. Gosh, I remember those days when my sons participated in programs before. They were quite the hams.

Your son truly is a star and so cute. Glad he enjoyed it.

Courtney Pies said...

This is such a cute post/"review." :) That's great that none of the "performers" went running off the state - definitely an accomplishment!

Melanie said...

AWWW how cute.. These are special moments that you will remember forever.. our school only does a play or anything at all for the Holidays and sometimes I wish they would do more for a day like Valentine's Day... Thanks for sharing and letting us be part of your day

Unknown said...

Looks like he had fun! I wish my kids had more programs to watch.

Aisha Kristine Chong said...

Such a great performance and it's so nice a lot of them had truly participated - thumbs up on that!

Cheap Is The *New* Classy said...

Springsteen is great and all, but I would definitely choose my kid's Valentine's Day program. :) I am sure it was awesome.

Onica said...

There's nothing like seeing your kids perform. I say kudos to the kids no matter what. It's not easy being on stage in front of so many people

Eliz Frank said...

This is so sweet. Watching our kids in a school show is always touching.. V

Susan Maccarelli said...

So cute! I found your post on the Type-A share. I can't wait until my oldest in in preschool so I can go see class performances. Loved the way you wrote this.

Jack said...

Sometimes I miss those preschool days, all that innocence.

Unknown said...

Cute way to frame this post. :) We call these things "torture time" in our house. :)