

Good Enough Mom: Snow Day Solutions

Welcome to my new recurring theme: "Good Enough Mom". Trying to be the perfect mom - whatever that looks like to you - is a recipe for crazy. Or an addiction to prescriptions drugs. So I though I'd share some suggestions on being "good enough". If you'd like to share some parenting hacks of your own, email me at triplezmom at gmail dot com. 

I always say that if it has to be winter, I want it to snow. So, if all these storms are my fault, I apologize. But things look so much prettier this way. Plus, even though I'm no longer teaching, I still love a snow day. According to most of my social media, I'm one of the few stay/work at home parents who feels this way.

But how you can resist a world that looks like this?

So much better than that polar vortex crap we were having. Though, you know, summer would really be the best solution of all.

I'm pretty sure that my love for snow days remains, despite 3 (very loud) children and a very small house, because of a few things:

  • Laissez-faire parenting. Anyone who knows me knows that I would make a terrible cruise director ("You're on a huge ship with pools, casinos, spas, movies, shows and alcohol and you can't find anything to do? What's wrong with you?). I believe it's my job to help my kids entertain themselves, not to entertain them. They're good at playing and they actually enjoy it. That helps a lot.
  • Special projects. When the playing turns into fighting, it's time to let them do something that they don't usually get to do. We don't paint a lot because it always seems to end in disaster, but I'll let them do it on a snow day. Or we'll do a toothpick project. Or have a picnic lunch in the living room. Anything that is out of the ordinary should help. Now that my kids are older and so busy, many snow days they're just happy to be able to play and not have homework and dance and practice.
  • Too much screen time. The trick to assuaging the guilt over letting them have too much screen time is to make them "earn it" somehow. Lots of reading, or writing stories, or creating or room cleaning can mean extra screen time. Especially if you work from home and actually have to hear yourself think at some point.
  • Active time. This is when you can use the power of video games for good; let them play extra, but only if they do a very active game like Just Dance. If the weather is not horrifying, you can always send them out to make a snow man or something, but the thrill of snow may be wearing off by now. If your kids are too little to go out by themselves (and you hate the cold like I do) or be bribed by video games, then make them an obstacle course. Ironflower and Lovebug still talk about them wistfully and have even set one up for their little brother. I used to use their play tunnel, a bunch of stools and a bunch of couch cushions for them to crawl, climb and jump over in the living room. Family dance parties can also be good entertainment. 
  • Booze. Make sure you stock up on your relaxant of choice before the storm. Then, when the piercing screams/arguments/whines start getting to you, you have something to look forward to. 


  1. Here was my strategy the last time school was cancelled (FOR RAIN, and a little bit of ice) on Wednesday. Sent younger child to a friend's house for the morning so I could work. It helps that her best friend lives within walking distance of the house and has a stay-at-home mom. (We are each other's please-take-my-child person of choice.) Next, take younger child on a series of errands that have to get done this week anyway and now won't have to be done during kids-at-school time. Finally, make cookies with both kids. I am still behind and might need to work this weekend to catch up, but I'm less behind than I could be. I have to say though, I am over the snow days.

  2. @Steph - I wish my kids were better friends with the kids in our neighborhood, but they've never really clicked. That's really nice and a good plan for working at home. I am over winter, but if it's going to be yucky out, I'd rather have everyone home.

  3. I LOVE snow days too, even though I hate the cold. It think I just like having all the kids in the house for the whole day. Love these ideas!

  4. Much more positive than the snow day post I wrote. Well, except for the booze part. I will be glad to see this crazy winter come to an end!

  5. @Kristina - I hate the cold too, I think that's why I like days I don't have to go out in it.

    @Sarah - Me too! The only thing I do like about winter is the days I have to stay home.


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