
Friday I'm in Love: My Mom Is A Badass

Early working woman.

My mom turns 75 today! Happy birthday, Mom! 

You'll notice that the title of this post is, "My Mom Is A Badass", rather than something like "Happy 75th Birthday, Mom!". My original birthday post idea - for 75 is definitely a post-worthy landmark birthday - was to write 75 great things about my mom.

Which I could totally do, except that I also have to do things like sleep. So then I though I'd just pick one great thing per decade, so that it would be more like 7.5 great things about my mom. And in thinking about it that way, I realized that my mom is a total badass.

7.5 Great Things About My Mom, Or Why My Mom Is A Total Badass

1. One of my mom's earliest memories is celebrating V-E day (that's Victory in Europe Day, for those of you who aren't WWII history nerds).

2. In high school, my mom managed to be a cheerleader AND in the band AND a straight-A student. I think they invented the word "overachiever" just to describe her.

3. After college, my mom became a reporter. In addition to covering news, she also learned to swear like a sailor and drink copious amounts of gin - all stuff she can still do today.

4. My mom was the first woman general news editor of United Press International.

5. People I went to elementary school with still remember my mom as "The Picture Lady" (she came in every so often to teach us about art history) and/or "The Newspaper Lady" (she ran a newspaper with the 6th graders).

6. My mom quit smoking after doing it for something like 40 years.

7. My mom slept on a crappy cot in the dining room of our first house for three weeks after Ironflower was born (cooking and cleaning non-stop), so Hot Guy and I could adjust to parenthood. She did the same thing after Lovebug was born, though that time she actually got a bed in a bedroom.

7.5 My mom had major abdominal surgery in November, somewhat less major abdominal surgery again in January. . . .and she's already back in dance class.


Masshole Mommy said...

Happy Birthday to your mom!! She sounds like an amazing woman and you're lucky to have her ;)

Anonymous said...

So true, tell my awesome Aunt Happy Birthday

Tracie Nall said...

Your mom is totally a badass.

Hope she has an incredible birthday!!

Ashley Gill said...

Your mom really does sound like an amazing woman! Happy Birthday to her!

Ashley B. said...

Happy Birthday to your Mum! Love the picture!

Eat To Live said...

Your Mom had to love you VERY much to put up with a crappy cot. I think I slept on my Daughters couch after her first one was born.

Unknown said...

It's nice that you can appreciate your mom. She is a bad -ass. lol

Goldi said...

well she sounds like the coolest mom ever!! Drinking Gin, swearing and dancing! She gets the award for best kickass mom!!
Happy Birthday!!

NetWorkingWitches said...

Happy Birthday to your badass mom. What a wonderful post/tribute to her. Isn't it amazing what our parents accomplished?

Anonymous said...

Your mom is awesome! Happy Birthday to her!

Michelle F.

Unknown said...

Wow, your mom is SuperWoman! lol. Happy birthday to such an amazing lady!

Anonymous said...

Your mom sounds amazing! And the first woman general news editor of United Press International?! Rock on!!! Happy Birthday to her!

Debbie @ Live from La Quinta said...

I love your mom! I'm not sure that women today realize how tough it was for a woman to have a successful career back when your mom was doing so. She's amazing.

Happy Birthday to her!

Beth said...

Your mom sounds like a lot of fun! Happy birthday to her!

Nicole said...

Wow, your mom really is badass! How awesome that she was the first woman editor of UPI. She sounds amazing. Happy birthday to her!!

Crafts a la Mode said...

Awesome!! What a gal!

Amber Nelson said...

That is so great. Happy Birthday to her!

Pam said...

Happy birthday to your mom! She definitely sounds like an awesome lady.

Aisha Kristine Chong said...

Well, she is indeed a badass (and I meant it in a good and awesome way) haha! She's an amazing person to me based on those things you mentioned. Happy Bday to your mom!

Unknown said...

7.5 OMG Yes She is indeed hardcore! That is very impressive for any one let alone someone that is 75 years old!

Gluten Free for Jen said...

Happy Birthday to you mom! She sounds really amazing and like someone who has a ton of fun stories to listen to!

Theresa Mahoney said...

Your mom is a true badass! She certainly puts women half her age to shame it sounds! Happy 75th birthday to her!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your mom. I would love to meet her and get to sit and listen to the stories she must have from all of her experiences.

Liz Mays said...

Your mom is spunky! I can't believe how quickly she bounced back after surgery.

Annemarie Leblanc said...

Your Mom sound amazing, hope she had a wonderful birthday!

Melanie Payne said...

WOW, your Mom is awesome! Happy Birthday to her. I love hearing stories about people like this

Amanda McMahon said...

Happy Birthday to your mom! 75! That's awesome. Thanks for sharing her story.

FabulousPerks said...

Happy 75th Birthday to your badass mom. This was such a great read!

Tough Cookie Mommy said...

It sounds like your mom is definitely a badass. My grandmother was one too and she definitely paved her own way and did things the way she wanted to.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to your mom! We love Dr. Seuss and read the books we have occasionally even though our kids are growing out of them.

Beth said...

Happy Birthday!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday BA Mom! 75 is a milestone I can only hope to live that long. What a life your mom has lived, I would love to hear her stories as a news reporter. I bet she has some good ones.

Mom of Two said...

Happy Birthday to your mom! She is indeed a bad ass!

Heather said...

your mom IS a bad ass!!! What a lady! Happy Birthday!

Cheap Is The *New* Classy said...

Happy birthday to your mom! She does sound like a badass. :)

mail4rosey said...

I have a friend whose mom was known as the picture lady too (she did prof. pics). Very cool. :)

Simple Mama At Home said...

Happy birthday to your mom! Hope she has a fantastic day!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful story!

Unknown said...

You're very lucky to have such a Mom. Happy birthday to her!

Unknown said...

Okay, your mom is totally awesome! I can tell you really could come up with 75 awesome things about her! Happy Birthday to your awesome mom!

TerinAleah said...

Your mom sounds great! Happy Birthday to her!

Dawn @ Pin-n-Tell said...

A very happy birthday to her! What a milestone :)

Virginia said...

aww! your mom does sound badass! My mom passed away 2 months ago and she was pretty badass hersefl! =)