

What's The Worst Show on the Disney Channel?

I am not a Disney hater. I'm anxiously awaiting our next trip (whenever that will be) to Disney World. I have this on my fridge, for heaven's sake:

I like Disney movies, especially the more modern ones like Brave and The Princess and the Frog.

But for the love of all that is holy, why are their television shows so completely awful? The ones aimed at Ironflower, specifically. At least, I assume they're aimed at her, since she wants to watch them and likes to discuss which ones her classmates favor. Apparently the entire third grade is watching this crap. And when I complained about it on Facebook, I got way more support than I ever do when I post about politics or adult television shows.

The best show on Disney is Phineas and Ferb, no question. Unfortunately, tween girls aren't so into Phineas and Ferb. Hence, my quest to discover the worst shows on Disney. Ironflower is always asking me to record shows for her and I figure that the DVR can "not work" on the very worst shows, but I don't know which ones are the worst.

And I dread finding out. The other night I watched "Jessie" with her. All the joy of having quiet time with my oldest was brutally murdered by the horror that is that show. I think it was conceived as a 12 year old boy's fantasy; no parents, oodles of money, hot but not too bright nanny, siblings to provide entertainment, butler to provide food.

I have also witnessed Austin and Ally. I have to rank it lower than Jessie because of the singing. Also, someone needs to make Austin stop bleaching his hair. I'm sure he's a nice boy (er, maybe? At least for a few more years?), but that hair makes him look so creepy.

I think I've seen bits of Dog with a Blog and Good Luck, Charlie too, but all I can remember about them is how they cast people with such annoying voices. When the kids were younger, I could smirk at these shows and speculate about which cast member would wind up in rehab first. But now that they're actually engaged with the characters and the plots and who the stars are, that feels wrong. (Though I'm betting on Austin. Just for the record.)

Anyway, gentler readers, this is where you come in. Tell me (in my fancy poll below) which Disney shows are the worst so that I don't have to watch any more of them. If you'd like to weigh in on which current Disney employees will be going to rehab and/or twerking at the VMAs soon, please let me know in the comments.

(BTW, I think it's Austin for both.)

Which Disney Channel Show is the Worst? free polls 

1 comment:

  1. Both my kids (12 y/o boy & 7 y/o girl) love Phineas and Ferb and I actually enjoy it, too. But (mercifully perhaps?) we don't get the Disney channel. They watch P&F on Netflix on demand.

    The shows my daughter watches that make my skin crawl are of the My Pretty Pony/Strawberry Shortcake variety. She's more in the little girl phase than the tween phase, I guess.


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