

Friday I'm in Love: Postacular

I Google things compulsively, being both innately curious and a natural procrastinator. So this post over at Good Day, Regular People really got my attention.

I find Steph's posts at All For the Love of You really soothing. Usually, there's also a terrific parenting idea or two thrown in. This post is older (did I mention I'm way behind with the blog reading?) but I love the tradition - I want Beachmas too.

Speaking of borrowing clever parenting ideas, I also love this one from My Mommy's Place.

And if you'd like some brutally honest advice about parenting, you should check out this post from Lisa at Life As I Know It.

Christine Whelan is my idol.

This post makes me feel slightly inadequate, but if you want to see what quality homeschooling looks like, check out Confessions of a Homeschooler.

If you've ever wondered about affiliate marketing, Blogging with Simply Stacie is really informative.

I love that Buzzfeed posted Jason Brown killing it at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks for the shout-out. I will check out some of the others blogs.


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