

Friday I'm in Love: My Favorite Posts This Week

If you don't love this post from Amalah, you are probably one of those people who has museum quality scrapbooks for each month of each of your children's lives and we're never going to be friends.

For anyone who is a new parent, hopes to be a new parent someday, or remembers being a new parent, this post from How to Be a Dad is for you.

This is older, but as usual I'm way behind on reading all the delightful people of the internet, so I'm sharing it now. See what Rage Against the Minivan, a Christian far more conservative than I am, had to say about Phil Robertson.

I'm not a meme fan, but I am an Aunt Becky fan. I think I've been reading her since the dawn of the internet, and her year in review posts always make me laugh out loud.

Tracie's Blog Carnival to End Child Abuse is a great resource and awareness campaign.

Every time my (not that) chronic illness gets me down, I read BecominNeurotic for inspiration. She has the soul of a warrior princess, that one.

There are a lot of TV shows that I don't actually watch because following the live tweets is more entertaining. This is generally my feeling about The Bachelor (which was definitely the worst show ever after Temptation Island. Which you should Google. Because it was AWFUL.), but I really liked Miss Banshee's blog recap of it.

What posts did you guys love this week?

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