

Friday I'm in Love: Divergent

I fell in love with Harry Potter grudgingly. I'd had the first three books for months; a not especially favored gift from my mother. But one weekend (before kids, before Hot Guy) I was home sick. Like, really sick. Too sick to go anywhere. And I was out of reading material, because that's the kind of challenge we faced back before Kindles, children.

I picked up the first book and got hooked. The first thing I did when I got better was go out and buy the fourth book. And now, when people talk about a YA series, I don't tune them out. Unless that series is Twilight. Then not only do I tune them out, I probably inch away from them.

Divergent is like the anti-Twilight.

I wasn't all that inspired to read it, actually. The descriptions didn't grab me. Plus, I'd already read a trilogy about a teenaged girl surviving in a dystopian society. I enjoyed it, but not so much that I thought I needed to read ANOTHER one.

But then my book club was reading it. And I had promised myself that I was going to get myself back to my book club, because I so love it every time I go. So I picked up Divergent  last weekend.

I fell in love with it. I got Insurgent and Allegiant  as soon as I could. I cannot wait until my kids are old enough to read them; I cannot wait until I make everyone I know read them. I am sorry that it took me so long to get around to reading them, although they have definitely improved my crappy January.

Also, they should be required reading for every teenager who has adored Twilight, Flowers in the Attic and all those Sweet Dreams romances I read when I was a teenager.

PS: I also loved, loved, loved this post at Momastery this week.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip. I like that kind of reading when I am in the mood.


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