

Wandering Wednesday: Adventures in NYC

Last week the big kids and I went to Lincoln Center with my Dad. 

I am not actually drunk in this picture. 

We went to a dress rehearsal of the New York City Ballet's Nutcracker. 

It was actually more of a working rehearsal, but we got to see the whole second act. I am a huge Nutcracker nerd and I feel like this is the best classic production. (Except for the one that I was in during my youth, which sadly no longer exists.) 

This is the lobby of the New York State Theater (which I think has a different name now, but I refuse to use it, in the same spirit that I will always call Giants Stadium, Giants Stadium and not MetLife Stadium.) 

There was an interactive screen and no other kids. Heaven. 

From the balcony. If only I'd taken a few photos of them here, I wouldn't have to share the one with Ironflower's eyes closed. 

More balcony. 

View of Avery Fisher Hall. 

I made my Dad be in a picture. I swear there's about 12 pictures of him with me growing up and he has the exact same expression and stance. 

The rehearsal was definitely worth seeing, but I think next year all the kids will be ready to see the big production. I can hardly wait. 

And just a few days after that trip to the city, we went in to celebrate Ironflower's birthday at the American Girl store. I swear I've been in the city more in the last two weeks than I have in the last 6 months. 

We checked out many different areas of the store. Which was so, so, so, so crowded. Like, even more crowded than last year. 

Like, so crowded that I contemplated jumping over a baby carriage and knocking a 4 year old out of my way just so I could get to a relatively empty spot to stand in. 

And this one child? Probably 10 or so? Actually shoved past me and another little girl to get to a rack, and when I exclaimed about it, she actually PUSHED me out of the way as she walked back to her grandmother, even though there was plenty of room for her to walk around me. 

I almost said something, but I didn't want to create a huge scene on Ironflower's day. 

It was a relief to get to the cafe. 

We didn't go to it last year, but I'm glad we tried it this year.

It's not as big as one would think. 

Photobomb from Daddy. Notice Katie (that's Ironflower's Just Like Me doll, her favorite) seated AT the table with us. 

Birthday crowns for everyone! 

The meal started out with cinnamon rolls, so Ironflower was so happy. 

My chicken club was pretty good. 

Ironflower's meal came with a hot dog AND mac and cheese. 

Dessert was the biggest hit. 

Ironflower and her loot. 


  1. Nutcracker rehearsal is a great idea. And you are not making me feel good about some day going to an AG store.

  2. @Steph - I recommend avoiding AG during the holiday season if you can, especially the one near Rockefeller Center during Hanukkah. But I hear that it's perfectly lovely during other times of year, if that makes you feel better.

  3. @Steph - I recommend avoiding AG during the holiday season if you can, especially the one near Rockefeller Center during Hanukkah. But I hear that it's perfectly lovely during other times of year, if that makes you feel better.


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