

One Fantastic Holiday Party

So yesterday last week we went to the KidzVuz Holiday party, because once in a while I finagle my way into cool blogging events. KidzVuz, btw, is a totally kid safe/friendly site filled with video reviews for kids, by kids. But they don't just have a great website, they know how to throw a great party (with help from sponsor Homewood Suites by Hilton - a favorite of ours when we are road tripping).

It was freaking awesome, except that I basically forgot to network with other bloggers. Like I'd see someone and I'd look at their Twitter handle on their nametag and I'd be all, wow, I follow that person,  I should say hi or something. And then I'd forget how to talk. Or one of the kids would distract me and then the person wouldn't be there anymore.

The child reading over my shoulder says, "What about that lady you hugged in the elevator? The Madonna lady?"

The Madonna lady, while another blogger,  does not count because I've known her since we were children and we used to prank call boys and play "Burning Up for Your Love" over the phone. Also, we may have taken turns throwing up into the same sink the first time we got drunk. That really helps me feel comfortable with a person, even if it's been 25 years (or so).

But even though I did not bond with  talk to meet other bloggers, the party was a resounding success. I did manage to talk to people from some really great brands and my kids told me it was the best party ever.

The kids got their own badges. Then they zeroed in on the candy table from iScream

There was sand candy art. 

Ironflower would like all of their cute products

Checking out Batterypop, which is like YouTube, but safe for kids. Such a great idea. 

 Next we ate lunch from Fairway Market. It was yummy, but none of my pictures turned out. I think I may need to invest in an actual camera - Sherry from Babypop (okay, I did manage to talk to one other blogger) said it was the best investment she ever made in her blog. 

We chatted with the folks from ESRB, who assign ratings to video games. Apparently Lovebug was already aware of the ratings and which ones he could play thanks to his gamer dad. 

My boys suddenly got shy when they had the opportunity to be interviewed on camera, but Ironflower stepped right up. 

Really clever activity books from were a big hit. 

They made "rockstar" cuffs. 

Hugmonkey enjoyed his all-fruit/no crap popsicle from Hot Guy loved the smoothies from Somehow I forgot to get a picture of those, probably because we were chasing the kids down to the next set of toy displays. 

Lovebug LOVED the Tenkai Knights while we were at the party, while it took until later that evening (and his very own knight in the fantastic gift bag) for Hugmonkey to fall in love as well. Apparently they are from a show on Cartoon Network, but all my boys cared about were the building possibilities and ninja-type weaponry. Santa will be bringing more. 

Ironflower was not as into the Nerf Rebelle as I hope she would be. I think Hasbro did a great thing in developing girly bows and crossbows, but my girl does not (yet?) aspire to be Katniss Everdeen. Hasbro's Furby Booms were already on her Christmas list, though. It was all I could do to drag her away. 

Lovebug thoroughly enjoyed Nintendo's offerings. He tried one game alone on the balance board and then played Mario Party with a bunch of other equally smitten boys. 

Ironflower was waiting (impatiently) for her turn at Nintendo when she noticed an empty seat by the Samsung Galaxy Tab. The older kids played their video games for a very long time. And probably could have continued much longer, had Hot Guy and I not insisted on letting other children have a turn. 

Next we talked to the fun ladies from Fuzipop. One of their sons was the (very good) DJ for the party. He's NINE and already so much cooler than I am. Fuzipop hosts dance parties for kids 6 - 12 and their parents. I think I was so stunned by the coolness that I forgot to take a picture. 

This is what Hot Guy and the kids did (oh, and eat the cookies conveniently nearby) while I went to the Dermalogica area. They facemapped me, which was sort of intimidating in that my formerly lovely skin has gone to hell in a freight elevator the past couple of years, but the girl was really nice. And she gave me samples and suggestions and they have actually helped. So now Dermalogica is my favorite skincare brand. 

It was a great family adventure and I am SO GLAD we got to attend. If you ever get the chance to go to a KidzVuz event, or try  any of these products, GO FOR IT. 


  1. I like that final picture. I don't want a better camera so much as to be a better photographer for my blog. Sometimes I think I'd like to take a class.

  2. So glad you had a good time. And it looks like your kids hit up EVERYTHING in the room. Maybe a higher quality camera would be nice...but I love your pics. Shows what a great time everybody had!


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