

Happy 9th Birthday, Ironflower!

Dear Ironflower,

     Every time I find it hard to believe that you are 9 - like when I see a picture like this:

Or like this:

You then say something so smart or hilarious that I am reminded that you are, in fact, an amazing kid - but not so much my little girl anymore. You've handled the transition to the notably difficult third grade curriculum so well, on top of many hours of dance a week and having to wear uncomfortable spreaders. You are so capable. 

You are a devoted friend and would prefer to be friends with everyone. You try to be inclusive and are able to get along with so many different ages of kids. That makes me so proud of you. You also play so well with your brothers; despite needing some alone time in your room sometimes, you are close to both of them. 

Though you've been reading for a while, I feel like this year you began a devotion to the printed word that rivals my own. You read for fun. You'll read just about anything put in front of you, but you have definite preferences. And you've become a definite Harry Potter nerd, with a love of Hermione that makes me tear up a little. 

I love that you still play with your American Girl dolls and Legos and your imagination. You are (very sensibly) not rushing off into crushes on One Direction and only being able to entertain yourself with screens. You're already asking for a phone, though. 

You are great at standing up for yourself and speaking your mind. Even when it's not necessarily the best time to do that. I hope with all my heart that you stay this independent and strong-willed forever; even though it might drive us crazy during your teen years. 

You are still interested in sea animals and ocean life. I love that you are so against Sea World after learning about some of their practices from the young woman at Clearwater Marine Aquarium. We don't even need to watch Blackfish, which I'm pretty sure would break your heart. 

Ironflower, I love you so much and I'm so honored to be your mom. Much as I may occasionally miss the little girl you used to be (I do so love buying flouncy dresses), I adore the young woman you're becoming. 



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