

Wandering Wednesday: A Walk Down Memory Lane

I have a confession to make; we did not wander anywhere especially interesting this weekend. Hugmonkey spiked a fever for us Saturday afternoon, so Hot Guy took the big kids to the environmental center. I love the center so much that I've already featured it in two wanderings. Not wanting to get repetitive, coupled with the fact that I forgot to get Hot Guy's pictures from Saturday, means that Saturday options are a bust. Sunday involved a soccer game, a birthday party and dinner at my parents' house.

I could show you the before and after photos of my desk and our breakfast nook/office. . .except that I'm too embarrassed to reveal how bad they looked before I cleaned them this weekend.

So instead I give you pictures never before seen on the internet. . .taken in the days before Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and Pinterest. They are from a road trip we took while I was pregnant with Ironflower. I think I remember all the locations. . .but I could be wrong.

Pretty sure this is Lexington, Missouri. There was a Civil War battle there. 

I think this is me at Waterloo Village, a living history area in Jersey. 

More Waterloo. 

More Waterloo. 

On Lake Michigan. Somewhere in Indiana. Not an historical site! 

Also Lake Michigan. I gained a zillion pounds while pregnant and they've never left. 

Blacksmith at Waterloo Village. 

1 comment:

  1. Not true. I did. I took pictures of the deer and turkeys and of the kids finding their treasure.


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