

Happy 5th Birthday, Hugmonkey!

Dear Hugmonkey,

     Today you are 5 years old. I am constantly entertained by the person my baby has turned into. Though you regularly remind me that you are not a baby anymore. You are so affectionate that I can handle it, though. You give the best hugs; it's so sweet when you hug your friends at school and your siblings when you think they need it.

     You still love school, even though you are learning a lot more than just how to get along and write your name. You've developed a serious love of rhyming this year and you've gotten really good at it. I love listening to you "read" your letter books; you'll be reading actual books before we know it. I love how you'll rhyme or count to entertain yourself.

     Though your real way to entertain yourself is still by telling stories. You'll "read" books by reciting what you think is happening in them, you tell stories with your cars and Lego people and you thrive on telling adults your stories. You've gone from having an imaginary alternative family to telling tall tales about your friends at school; one visited Antarctica last weekend and another has created a game that's better than Minecraft.

    Speaking of which, this year you have learned to actually play games like Minecraft and Temple Run. You love your Kindle, but you'll happily watch your brother play games on the Wii if the Kindle is charging. You've even starting playing Mario Kart on the Wii. You've also learned to build your own Legos this year, instead of just following the kit or getting Lovebug to make you Legos. You've gone from enjoying swimming lessons to actually swimming. You've gone from being dragged to games and classes to playing on a soccer team of your own. You've gone from dressing yourself in what I've laid out to having very definite opinions on what you want to wear. You still love your green frog rain boots, though.

     I am so happy that I get to be your mom. I love you so very much, my handsome* guy.

*You have specifically requested that I stop calling you cute. 


  1. Oh but he is cute.

    Happy birthday to him. 5's a big milestone, especially for the youngest one.

  2. @Steph - Thank you. It really is such a milestone - I think I didn't notice it as much with the older two.

  3. HBD, adorable boy. Happy gave birth day, mama!


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