

Friday I'm in Love: Nerd Happiness

I spent a long time hiding my nerdiness. Not admitting that I'd already read and enjoyed the book that my classmates were groaning about. Not admitting that I still played with my dollhouses at 12. Not admitting that I loved doing research in the library.

But in college, living in a dorm, I couldn't hide it anymore. Probably the weekend I stayed in reading my freshmen roommate's books from her literature class, instead of going out with said roommate, was what forced me to come out as a nerd.

I just want to point out that that was at least ten years before nerds were cool and hot actors started showing up at Comic-Con.

So, fellow nerds, this is for you:


  1. I'm so excited about that Jane Austen role-playing game that I'm not even afraid to out myself as a nerd for a second. I have never wanted to role play so badly in my life.

  2. It's good to out in the open about this kind of thing. I liked the Daguerrotype Boyfriend


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