

A Love Letter to Blogging


On this blog.

Well, not exactly. This blog used to be a blog called Dirty Little Secret. Because it was 2007, okay?

I didn't know any better.

Which is also why I called myself "Jerseygirl89".

This was taken right around when I started "Dirty Little Secret". 

This was taken a few months after I started blogging. 

I was on this group writing site, and it was dying, and everyone moved to Blogger so I did too. I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I just knew that suddenly I was home with a toddler and an infant and that all my friends were at work during the day. I was lonely, dammit.

Also, anything to avoid vacuuming.

To further establish my clueless bona fides, I did not prepare a ginormous giveaway in honor of my ONE THOUSANDTH* post. Mainly because I didn't notice until about 5 days ago and it's not like brands are dying to have me host awesome giveaways. Unfortunately.

I guess my swearing, ranting, randomness, lack of editing and inability to choose a niche don't scream, "Brand Ambassador."

Oh fucking well.

  • I started blogging because I love writing. 
  • I started blogging because the idea of people reading anything I wrote used to scare the fuck out of me. 
  • I started blogging because I didn't know how to make mom friends. 
  • I started blogging because I didn't know what else to do. 

And I am so glad I did. This blog is like my fourth kid, if I had a kid who never threw up on me or talked back.

  • Because of blogging, I have no fear of letting people read what I have written. 
  • Because of blogging, I have "met" so many people I consider friends. 
  • Because of blogging, I have been able to take my kids places we otherwise couldn't have afforded to go. 
  • Because of blogging, I have (occasionally) earned money that we really needed. 
  • Because of blogging, I have gotten so much love, support and advice when I really needed it. 
  • Because of blogging, I didn't lose my mind when I became a full-time stay-at-home mom to two toddlers.
I feel honored that you are reading this post. I appreciate everyone who has stumbled here, even those people from Russia who stayed for .5 seconds. Thank you. Thank you all for letting me call myself a blogger.

I know it's not much, but I've got an Amazon Gift Card for one of my readers. It's only $25, but it's just to let you know that I really do appreciate you guys. Hopefully after my next thousand posts I'll be able to give away a car or something. :) 

*Look, I don't accomplish much anymore, other than folding laundry and keeping tiny smallish humans alive. So 1000 posts means a lot to me, even though it's not a cure for cancer or the development of comfortable Spanx. My point is, I'm gonna spend the day bragging. Please excuse. 


  1. Congratulations on your 1000th post! I have read all of them. Your blog has been a great way to keep in touch with you since you left teaching (and KC). I am looking forward to 1000 more.

  2. Congrats! Love your blog!!

  3. Wowsa! Congrats. And I love you for your swearing, ranting, randomness, lack of editing and inability to choose a niche. That's what makes you you. What's not to love? Keep em coming.

  4. One Thousand Posts - that is amazing!

    I love so much that you started blogging, stuck with it, and I was able to meet you because of it.

    You deserve a lot of bragging. 1,000 posts is a huge thing.

  5. What do I love about blogging? It is a chance to say whatever you want, and send it out to the world. Not that the whole world is necessarily going to read it...but they might.

  6. Congrats on 1,000. I started blogging in 2007, too, for similar reasons (one kid, one baby, newish to the SAHM thing), but I'm only up to 200 something, I think. I go in for longer, less frequent posts. Sometimes it's hard for me to start writing, but also hard to stop.

    J had that exact butterfly sweatshirt when she was 4/5. She loved it.

  7. Congratulations! I can't stand most mom blogs, but I'll be reading yours as long as you'll keep writing it. xo

  8. Congratulations! 1,000 posts is a BIG DEAL! I've been here reading for nearly all of them. I love reading what you write and I feel lucky to have found you through your blog. Yay for you and your 1,000th post. I hope you write 1,000 more.

  9. really? a THOUSAND? haha- i think i have like 4 entries on my blog. congrats! i love following your stuff - even though it makes me miss you guys. *sniff*

  10. Way to go. I only read 2 blogs on a regular basis and yours is one of them. Always entertaining and informative what I really respond to is the honesty. Also the lack of singular subject matter I find a plus not a detraction. You never know what your going to get but can get it all in one place. One stop shopping ironically like Walmart!


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