

Wandering Wednesday: The Town Festival

The first time we attended our small town's fall festival we pushed a double stroller.

This time, we didn't even bring a stroller. And we actually knew people - lots of people. Though I think the kids knew even more people.

First up: The obstacle course. Well, actually, first we had to get hand stamps and chat with some friends, but you know what I mean. 

Ironflower won the obstacle course race. 

Probably not the best photo of Hot Guy I've ever taken, but this is the only picture that didn't have too many random strangers in it. Also, if you squint you might be able to see the bunnies. 

Decorate a pumpkin craft! I felt bad because I think they were trying to recruit people for their preschool and I'm totally not looking for a preschool, but they were nice about it. 

Pony rides! Lovebug rode one last weekend and apparently he's know over it. HugMonkey refused to try, but Ironflower had a good time. 

There was also a long-but-unphotographed section where they were in the Bouncy House. This year (finally!) there were actually two Bouncy Houses - one for big kids and one for little ones. Hugmonkey was so happy.

Paint pens and pumpkins! We have done this craft every year, but I have to admit I missed the stroller when we had to carry them all home. 

Ironflower at the trivia contest, which was new this year. 

HugMonkey did not want his picture taken while we watched the trivia contest. 

Lovebug also did the trivia contest; he was much more into the dance section of it, though. 

We stopped by the farmer's market section. 

And the car show. This van - which I now realize you can't tell from the picture - was totally decked out like The Mystery Machine from Scooby-Do. 

I think my favorite thing about our town's fall festival is that it's so small. It's crowded, of course, but it's not intolerable. It's less crowded than the local mall on an average Saturday, actually. I mean, apparently the guy who's running against my Twitter buddy Cory Booker  was there on Saturday and I didn't even get to trip him. 

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