
Wandering Wednesday: The Great Jack-O-Lantern Blaze

I'm sure anyone who ever taught with me would be completely unsurprised by the fact that all of our family outings are strategically planned by me. I used to get teased for always have my lesson plans done early; it wasn't so much that I was conscientious as it was that I really enjoy planning. Since I no longer have lesson plans, I have to get my jollies where I can - family outings and vacations.

Hot Guy cheerfully indulges me and I like to think it's not just because I become an unhinged freak if I don't have a plan.

Anyway, my latest plan involved finally going to The Great Jack-O-Lantern Blaze. I have been dying to see the 5000 hand carved pumpkins on display at Van Cortland Manor since we moved back to the area, but it wasn't until this year that I thought all 3 kids could handle an evening outing without it getting ugly.

First we went to dinner at the Umami Cafe. Actually, first we picked up the kids from school and got our flu shots, but I didn't take any pictures of that. Which is probably good, seeing as this year Hugmonkey totally flipped out.

Anyway, the cafe was very kid-friendly, casual and had really interesting food.

They look so sweet and well-behaved here. 

I don't know the story behind the fish. 

The kids were very pleased with the menu. 

I have no idea what Hugmonkey was looking at. 

Homemade potato chips. Totally puts a breadbasket to shame. 

What Lovebug does while waiting for his food. 

What Hot Guy does while waiting for his. 

The place if very "Blaze" friendly, so they made sure we got to our 6:30 start time with plenty of time to spare. 

First there was pumpkin-inspired art. That one was made out of Lego. 

Loved the lights on this. 

I don't really get the pumpkin in this sculpture. 

Pumpkin/Chicken house! 

Every light you see is from a hand-carved pumpkin. 


Stacked pumpkins. 

Pumpkin/flower garden. 

Van Cortland Manor. 


Pumpkin spiderweb. 


Tunnel of love. 


There were also dinosaurs, but my camera decided to die just then. And my pictures really aren't doing the Blaze justice. If you get a chance to go (they are open after Halloween too), it's totally worth it. 

1 comment:

StephLove said...

Wow, those are completely amazing. I wish there was something like that around us.